This package contains a Matlab implementation of 1-Spectral Clustering using the inverse power method (IPM) for nonlinear eigenproblems.
Given a graph with weight matrix W, the goal is to find a partitioning of the graph which minimizes a given optimality criterion. Currently supported criteria are the Ratio and Normalized Cheeger Cut, the Ratio and Normalized Cut as well as the Symmetric and Normalized Vertex Expansion.
The inverse power method (IPM) for nonlinear eigenproblems is used to compute a non-constant solution of the associated nonlinear eigenproblem, which then yields a bipartition of the graph. A multipartitioning is then obtained using a recursive splitting scheme.
The implementation uses mex-files to solve the inner problem of the IPM. Compile them by typing 'make' in the Matlab command line. To solve the subproblems for the vertex expansion criteria 'sve' and 'nve', additionally the Matlab Optimization toolbox needs to be installed.
[clusters,scores,eigvec,lambda] = OneSpectralClustering(W,crit,k,numRuns,verbosity);
W Sparse weight matrix. Has to be symmetric.
crit The graph partitioning criterion to be optimized.
Available choices are
'rcut' - Ratio Cut
'ncut' - Normalized Cut
'rcc' - Ratio Cheeger Cut
'ncc' - Normalized Cheeger Cut
'sve' - Symmetric Vertex Expansion
'nve' - Normalized Vertex Expansion
k Number of clusters.
numRuns Number of additional times the multipartitioning scheme
is performed with random initializations (default is 10).
verbosity Controls how much information is displayed.
Levels 0 (silent) - 4 (very verbose), default is 2.
clusters mx(k-1) matrix containing in each column the computed
clustering for each partitioning step.
scores struct containing the scores for different criteria (rcut,
ncut etc.) as (k-1)x1 vector, representing the result after
each partitioning step.
eigvec mx1 vector containing the second nonlinear eigenvector
lambda corresponding eigenvalue
The final clustering is obtained via clusters(:,end), the corresponding values of the optimization criterion are the last elements in the corresponding vector in the scores struct, e.g. for rcut: scores.rcut(end).
M. Hein and T. Buehler. An Inverse Power Method for Nonlinear Eigenproblems with Applications in 1-Spectral Clustering and Sparse PCA. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23 (NIPS 2010). Extended version available online at
T. Bühler. A flexible framework for solving constrained ratio problems in machine learning. Ph.D. Thesis, Saarland University, 2015.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
If you use this code for your publication, please include a reference to the paper "An inverse power method for nonlinear eigenproblems with applications in 1-spectral clustering and sparse PCA".
Copyright 2010-20 Thomas Bühler and Matthias Hein. Machine Learning Group, Saarland University, Germany. (