Custom sentence segmentation for spacy.
pip install spacyss
Tested on spacy 2.0.5
sentences in text are separated by one or more newline characters.
from seg.newline.segmenter import NewLineSegmenter # note that pip package is called spacyss
import spacy
nlseg = NewLineSegmenter()
nlp = spacy.load('en')
nlp.add_pipe(nlseg.set_sent_starts, name='sentence_segmenter', before='parser')
doc = nlp(my_doc_text)
the text is treated as a single sentence. may be better for tweets or other short informal texts where over segmentation may cause more problems than undersegmentation.
- create package under seg named for your sentence segmentation approach
- create under that package
- create a class for your segmenter with a method called set_sent_starts that takes a doc as the single argument.
- It may be that spacy api allows for more flexible argument profile here, feel free to correct...