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Single-cell data, obtained either from high-dimensional cytometry and single-cell transcriptomics, are now classically analyzed using non-linear dimensionality reduction approaches, but it is still challenging to easily handle the whole pipeline of computational analyses.

CellVizR allows the statistical analysis and visualization of single-cell data using manifold algorithms and clustering methods. Especially, several key analysis steps are available to perform (i) data importation; (ii) manifold generation and visualization; (iii) cell cluster identification; (iv) characterization of cell clusters; (v) statistical analysis of cell cluster abundances; (vi) multivariate analysis using both unsupervised and supervised algorithms; (vii) quality controls of input files and generated results.

CellVizR can import cell events from FCS, MTX, or txt file formats using different transformation, down-sampling, and normalization approaches. Manifold representations can be generated using the UMAP, t-SNE or LargeVis algorithms to project cell events into a 2-dimensional dimensionality space. Cell clusters can be identified using multiple clustering algorithms, depending on the user’s assumptions. The characteristics of cell clusters can be visualized using scatter plots, categorical heatmap of marker expressions, or using parallel coordinates representations. Cell clusters having abundances differently expressed between biological conditions can be identified using several statistical tests. Statistical results can be visualized using volcano plots or heatmaps.

1.1 Workflow overview

In the CellVizR workflow, an S4 object is created to store data, sample information as well as the different performed analyses. This stored information will allow performing the statistics and visualization of the dataset.

Figure 1: Workflow of CellVizR

The analysis in CellVizR consists of 5 main steps: (1) importing the data in FCS, MTX, or txt format resulting in the creation of an S4 Celldata object; (2) assigning the metadata (sample information) into the Celldata object; and (3) generating the manifold and clustering. The computed results can be (4) visualized in different manners and (5) analyzed using statistical approaches.

1.2 Input data

High-dimensional cytometry data can be analyzed by CellVizR:

  • Type and format of data: The cytometry data that can be analyzed and integrated with CellVizR are flow, mass or spectral cytometry data. The input files can be in standard cytometry format (FCS) or in txt format.
  • Compensation: Before starting an analysis with CellVizR, performing the compensation steps for flow cytometry and spectral data with conventional software (such as FlowJo, Kaluza, etc) is mandatory.
  • Cleaning and gating: It is highly recommended to remove debris, dead cells and doublets before the analysis. A pre-gating on a cell population of interest (e.g.lymphocytes, B cells, etc.) can also be performed, which will help to drastically reduce the computation time.

Single-cell transcriptomics data can also be analyzed by CellVizR:

  • Type and format of data: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) can also be analyzed and integrated with CellVizR. The input files can be in standard MTX file format.
  • Cleaning: Before starting an analysis with CellVizR, performing the preprocesing steps for cell count quantification and spectral data with conventional software (CellRanger) is mandatory.

2. Quick start

In this section, the main analysis steps of CellVizR are presented.

These steps cover several aspects, such as:

  • Installing the package
  • Importing the data and creating an Celldata object
  • Creating the manifold and clustering
  • Generating analyses and visualizations

2.1 Installation

To download CellVizR it is required devtools:


The CellVizR package automatically downloads the necessary packages for its operation such as: checkmate,cluster,concaveman,cowplot,dbscan,dendextend,diptest,FactoMineR,flowCore,FNN,ggdendro,ggiraph,ggnewscale,ggplot2,ggpubr,ggrepel,ggridges,Gmedian,gridExtra,gtools,kohonen,MASS,plyr,reshape,reshape2,rstatix,Rtsne,scales,seurat,stats,stringr,uwot,viridis. If not, the packages are available on the CRAN, except flowCore which is available on Bioconductor.

Once installed, CellVizR can be loaded using the following command:


2.2 Importing cell expression profiles

The import() function allows importing the expression matrix of the cytometry files into a Celldata object.

The files to be loaded must be in FCS or txt format. The import() function is used as below:

files <- list.files(NK_files, 
                    pattern = "fcs", full.names = TRUE) # Replace NK_files with your own path to FCS files

# import the FCS files into a Celldata object 
DataCell <- import(files, 
                   filetype = "fcs", 
                   transform = "logicle", 
                   exclude.markers = c("FS-H", "FS-A", "FS-W", "SS-H", 
                                       "SS-A", "SS-W", "Time"), 
                   d.method = "uniform",
                   parameters.method = list("target.percent" = 0.1))

The main arguments of the import() function are:

  • the filetype argument, which allows defining the data file type (fcs or txt)
  • the transform argument, which allows choosing the type of transformation to apply to the data. Possible values are: none, logicle, arcsinh and logarithmic. It is advised to use a logicle transform for flow cytometry, and to use an arcsinh transform for mass cytometry,
  • the exclude_markers argument, which is used to remove the irrelevant channels
  • the d.method argument, which allows choosing the type of downsampling to apply to the data. Possible values are: none or uniform. With d.method set to uniform, each cell has the same probability to be selected.
  • the parameters.method argument, which allows choosing the parameters for downsampling to apply to the data. Possible values are: target.number, target.percent.

Of note, single-cell transcriptomics data can be imported using the importMT() function.

To correctly write down the markers to exlcude (if any), we invite users to run the following commands to list the marker names which are present in the loaded dataset:

# Retrieving of the marker names
QCN <- QCMarkerNames(files)
##  [1] "FS-H"   "FS-A"   "FS-W"   "SS-H"   "SS-A"   "SS-W"   "FL1-A"  "FL2-A" 
##  [9] "FL3-A"  "FL4-A"  "FL5-A"  "FL6-A"  "FL7-A"  "FL8-A"  "FL9-A"  "FL10-A"

Once the DataCell object is created, users can print a lot of useful information about it with:

## Object class: Celldata
## Numbers of samples: 28
## - Samples: V1_10105LA, V1_10209HE, V1_10306CG, V1_10503DC, V1_11204CD, V1_20208AA, V1_20210RF, V6_10105LA, V6_10209HE, V6_10306CG ...
## Numbers of markers: 9
## - Markers: TCR gd-FITC, NKP44-PE, DR-ECD, NKp30-Pcy5, NKp46-Pcy7, NKG2D-APC, CD3-A700, CD16-A750, CD56-BV421, CD8-KO
## Numbers of cells: 26,722
## - Metadata: 
## - Manifold
## No manifold
## - Clustering
## No clustering

2.3 Quality control of the dataset

The CellVizR package allows to perform quality control of the imported dataset, notably to check the names and range expression of the markers of each sample.

The input dataset can be checked in two ways.

The first method checks the concordance of the markers names between the different samples.

Here is an example of generating such quality control:

# Check for marker concordance
QCN <- QCMarkerNames(files)
##            nb_cells FS-H FS-A FS-W SS-H SS-A SS-W       FL1-A    FL2-A  FL3-A
## V1_10105LA     5768 FS-H FS-A FS-W SS-H SS-A SS-W TCR gd-FITC NKP44-PE DR-ECD
## V1_10209HE     4944 FS-H FS-A FS-W SS-H SS-A SS-W TCR gd-FITC NKP44-PE DR-ECD
## V1_10306CG     4746 FS-H FS-A FS-W SS-H SS-A SS-W TCR gd-FITC NKP44-PE DR-ECD
## V1_10503DC     5877 FS-H FS-A FS-W SS-H SS-A SS-W TCR gd-FITC NKP44-PE DR-ECD
## V1_11204CD     5194 FS-H FS-A FS-W SS-H SS-A SS-W TCR gd-FITC NKP44-PE DR-ECD
## V1_20208AA     9435 FS-H FS-A FS-W SS-H SS-A SS-W TCR gd-FITC NKP44-PE DR-ECD
##                 FL4-A      FL5-A     FL6-A    FL7-A     FL8-A      FL9-A FL10-A
## V1_10105LA NKp30-Pcy5 NKp46-Pcy7 NKG2D-APC CD3-A700 CD16-A750 CD56-BV421 CD8-KO
## V1_10209HE NKp30-Pcy5 NKp46-Pcy7 NKG2D-APC CD3-A700 CD16-A750 CD56-BV421 CD8-KO
## V1_10306CG NKp30-Pcy5 NKp46-Pcy7 NKG2D-APC CD3-A700 CD16-A750 CD56-BV421 CD8-KO
## V1_10503DC NKp30-Pcy5 NKp46-Pcy7 NKG2D-APC CD3-A700 CD16-A750 CD56-BV421 CD8-KO
## V1_11204CD NKp30-Pcy5 NKp46-Pcy7 NKG2D-APC CD3-A700 CD16-A750 CD56-BV421 CD8-KO
## V1_20208AA NKp30-Pcy5 NKp46-Pcy7 NKG2D-APC CD3-A700 CD16-A750 CD56-BV421 CD8-KO

If the marker names are not the same for each sample, they can be corrected using the renameMarkers as below:

# Rename markers if necessary
DataCell <- renameMarkers(DataCell, marker.names = c("TCRgd", "NKP44", "HLADR", "NKp30", "NKp46",
                                                     "NKG2D", "CD3", "CD16", "CD56", "CD8"))

The second method computes the median, the 5th percentile and the 95th percentile expression values for each marker of each sample:

# Check the expression values for markers
QCR <- QCMarkerRanges(files)

These data then can be displayed in order to evaluate if some markers and/or samples deviate strongly from the most frequent observations:

Please note that at any moment, users can decide to generate interactive versions of the plots generated throughout this workflow. They just need to save the plot in a variable then call girafe function like in the following commands:

plot = QCMarkerRanges(files)

plot <- ggiraph::girafe(ggobj = plot,
                          options = list(ggiraph::opts_sizing(width = .9),
                                         ggiraph::opts_hover_inv(css = "opacity:0.6;"),
                                         ggiraph::opts_hover(css = "fill:black;")))

2.4 Assigning meta-information of biological samples

The metadata (information about the biological samples) can be assigned to each sample in the dataset. These metadata are then used by the different visualization methods to properly represent biological conditions, timepoints, and individuals. The metadata argument must be a dataframe that contains exclusively the following column names:

  • individual: corresponds to the sample identifier,
  • condition: corresponds to the biological condition of the sample,
  • timepoint: corresponds to the timepoint of the sample (optional).

Here is an example of a metadata assignment:

# creation of the dataframe 
metadata <- data.frame("individual"= rep(c("10105LA","10209HE","10306CG",
                                           "20210RF"), 4),
                       "condition"= rep(c("PR","SPA","PSO","B7","SJ","SPA","SPA"),4),
                       "timepoint"= c(rep("V1", 7), rep("V6", 7), rep("V7", 7), rep("V8", 7))

Important: The rownames column of metadata must match the name of the samples when imported.

rownames(metadata) = gsub("(\\.fcs)", "", list.files(NK_files, 
                                pattern = "fcs",
                                full.names = FALSE)) # Replace NK_files with your own path to FCS files
# assign the dataframe 
DataCell <- assignMetadata(DataCell, 
                           metadata = metadata)

2.5 Visualization to the number of cells associated to samples

After importing the dataset, the plotCellCounts() function allows you to see the number of cells in each sample to be displayed as follows:

               stats = c("min","median","mean","q75","max"),
               samples = NULL,
               sort = TRUE)

2.6 Manifold construction and clustering

This section consists in generating the manifold using different algorithms combined with cell cluster identification.

Two methods are available, depending on the parameters selected:

  • The manifold is generated first, followed by cell cluster identification
  • Cell cluster identification is performed followed by the manifold

In the example below, the first method has been performed.

2.6.1 Generating a manifold of cell events

The first step is to compute the manifold on the dataset by following the instructions below:

# Perform Manifold from the "Celldata" object
DataCell <- generateManifold(DataCell, 
                             markers = c("TCRgd", "NKP44", "HLADR", "NKp30", "NKp46",
                                         "NKG2D", "CD3", "CD16", "CD56", "CD8"), 
                             method = "UMAP", 
                             n_neighbors = 15,
                             n_components = 2,
                             metric = "euclidean",
                             n_epochs = NULL,
                             n_threads = 1, 
                             n_sgd_threads = 1,
                             scale = FALSE)
## Manifold markers are: TCRgd, NKP44, HLADR, NKp30, NKp46, NKG2D, CD3, CD16, CD56, CD8

## Manifold method is: UMAP


## 11:47:09 UMAP embedding parameters a = 1.896 b = 0.8006

## 11:47:09 Converting dataframe to numerical matrix

## 11:47:09 Read 26722 rows and found 10 numeric columns

## 11:47:09 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 15

## 11:47:10 Building Annoy index with metric = euclidean, n_trees = 50

## 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|

## **************************************************|
## 11:47:11 Writing NN index file to temp file C:\Users\PRE.LAB\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpqwPHBh\file17104dc34f43
## 11:47:11 Searching Annoy index using 1 thread, search_k = 1500
## 11:47:16 Annoy recall = 100%
## 11:47:16 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 1 thread with target n_neighbors = 15
## 11:47:17 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using irlba)
## 11:47:17 Commencing optimization for 200 epochs, with 539456 positive edges using 1 thread
## 11:47:33 Optimization finished

The main arguments of the generateManifold() function are:

  • the markers argument, which specifies the markers to be used for the manifold generation
  • the method argument, which specifies the manifold method to use

2.6.2 Identifying cell clusters having similar marker expression

The second step is to identify cell clusters by following the instructions below:

# Clustering computation from the manifold 
DataCell <- identifyClusters(DataCell, 
                             space = "manifold", 
                             method = "kmeans", 
                             centers = 120, 
                             nstart = 3)
## Clustering method is: kmeans


## Identifying cell clusters...

## computing cell clusters boundaries...

## computing cell cluster count matrix...

## computing cell cluster abundance matrix...

The main arguments of the identifyClusters() function are:

  • the space argument, which determines if the clustering is done on the markers or the manifold coordinates
  • the method argument, which specifies the clustering algorithm to use

After clustering, the plotClustersCounts() function allows to visualize the cells of each sample in the clusters as follows:

                   clusters = NULL,
                   sort = TRUE)

2.6.3 Control quality of the cell clustering result

The CellVizR package allows to perform quality control of generated results, notably to check the quality of the cell clustering.

The quality control of the clustering can be checked in two ways.

The first method allows the identification of small clusters, i.e. clusters whose number of cells is below a specific threshold. The results can be represented as a heatmap with clusters in rows and samples in columns. All the columns except the last one represent the contributions of each sample whereas the far right one represents the contribution of the whole samples. If the tile is red, then it means that the indicated cluster is less than the specified number of cells (and thus considered as “small”). If the tile is grey, then it means that the indicated cluster is equal to or greater than the specified number of cells. We advice users to only consider the far right column of the heatmap for the final interpretation of results. The overall percentage of clusters considered as “small” among all clusters is shown at the top of the heatmap.

The function is as below:

# QC for small clusters 
QCS <- QCSmallClusters(DataCell,
                       th.size = 50, 
                       plot.device = TRUE)

The second method allows to identify the uniform clusters, i.e.those with unimodal expression and low dispersion of expression for all its markers.

The most important parameter of the QCUniformClusters() function is uniform.test, three possibilities:

  • uniform corresponds to the verification of the unimodal distribution of markers with Hartigan’s test (th.pvalue parameter),
  • IQR corresponds to the verification of the distribution of markers so that they are not below the IQR threshold (th.IQR parameter)
  • both correspond to the combination of the two parameters: uniform and IQR

The results can be represented as a heatmap. If the tile is green then the cell clusters have the uniform phenotype, if the tile is red, the cell clusters have the phenotype that is not uniform. The percentage of clusters having a uniform phenotype among all clusters is shown at the top of the heatmap. If the score is high, it indicates that the clustering is good.

The function is as below:

# QC for uniform clusters
QCU <- QCUniformClusters(DataCell,
                         uniform.test = "both",
                         th.pvalue = 0.05,
                         th.IQR = 2,
                         plot.device = TRUE)

##   clusters markers    pv_dip       IQR passed
## 1        1    CD16 0.9183875 0.2477212   TRUE
## 2        1     CD3 0.9962282 0.2605658   TRUE
## 3        1    CD56 0.8383174 0.3003754   TRUE
## 4        1     CD8 0.9925717 0.2823742   TRUE
## 5        1   HLADR 0.9588102 0.3872350   TRUE
## 6        1   NKG2D 0.4408940 0.2182691   TRUE

2.7 Basic visualization

Once the manifold has been generated and cell clusters have been identified, it is possible to perform different types of visualization which are detailed below.

2.7.1 Representation of a computed manifold

The plotManifold() function displays a computed manifold representation for a given analysis. Cell clusters are delimited by black lines on the manifold.

The main argument of the plotManifold() function is the markers argument which is used to specify the colour of the cells. A uniform downsampling of cells can also be performed with the downsampling argument different from NULL and set to a numerical value superior to 0. If the density value is used, then a UMAP representation showing the distribution of the cell density for all samples will be shown as below:

# Display manifold overlay by 'density' 
             markers = "density",
             samples = NULL,
             downsampling = 20000)

If the name of the marker is used, then the intensity of marker expression, overlaid on the manifold (e.g. CD8), will be shown as below:

# Display manifold overlay by 'markers'  
             markers = "CD8",
             samples = NULL,
             downsampling = 20000)

It is possible to specify the biological samples to be displayed in the representation using the samples argument as below:

# Display manifold overlay by 'density' by sample 
             markers = "density",
             samples = "V1_10105LA",
             downsampling = 20000)

If the name of the clusters is used, the the clusters number will be shown as below:

# Display manifold overlay by 'cluster' 
plotManifold(DataCell, markers = "clusters", downsampling = 20000) + 
  ggplot2::guides(color = "none")

2.7.2 Heatmap of cell marker expressions (plotHmExpressions)

The plotHmExpressions() function shows marker median relative expressions for all clusters in the whole dataset.

The mean of the median expression of each marker is classified into 4 categories (the number of categories can be changed by users, parameters). Hierarchical clustering is performed at both the marker and cluster levels and is represented using dendrograms (the hierarchical clustering parameters can be changed by users method.hclust parameters as well as the number of metaclusters with the metaclusters argument).

This function is used as below:

# Heatmap of expression markers 
hm.exp <- plotHmExpressions(DataCell, 
                            metaclusters = 6)

It is possible to customize the plotHmExpressions with these parameters:

  • the markers argument, which specifies the markers to be displayed
  • the clusters argument, which specifies the identifiers of the clusters to be displayed

These parameters can be used independently of each other as in the following example:

# Heatmap of expression markers 
hm.exp <- plotHmExpressions(DataCell, 
                            markers = c("NKP44", "NKp30", "NKp46", "NKG2D"), 
                            clusters = c(1:50),
                            metaclusters = 6)

2.7.3 Representation of phenotype of identified cell clusters

The plotMarkerDensity() function shows marker expression densities for one given cluster.

For each marker distribution, the plot represents the overall marker distribution for all the cells (colored plain histogram) as well as the marker distribution for the given cluster (transparent red or green curve). Plus, the median expression is represented by a vertical black dashed line. The red or green curve actually symbolizes the p-value of the Hartigan’s Dip test, which indicates whether the distribution is unimodal or not: in this case, the curve is colored in green if the distrbution is identified as unimodal, whereas in red if this is not the case.

# PhenoClusters plot for specific cluster 
                  clusters = "58")

2.7.4 Representation of phenotype of cell clusters using parallels coordinates (plotCoordinates)

The plotCoordinates() function shows the phenotype of a specific cluster or a set of combined clusters.

The median marker expression of each sample is represented using parallel coordinates. The X-axis represents the cellular markers and the Y-axis represents the marker expressions.

# Coordinates plot for specific cluster 
                        condition.samples = c("timepoint"),
                        clusters = "10")

3. Statistics and visualization

3.1 Compute differential abundance analyses

Once the cell clustering performed, it is possible to do a differential analysis of cell cluster abundances to identify relevant cell clusters.

The computeStatistics() function allows to perform the such operation and several parameters must be taken into consideration:

  • the condition argument, which specifies the biological condition to be compared
  • the ref.condition argument, which specifies the reference biological condition
  • the test.statistics argument, which specifies the name of the statistical test to use
  • the paired argument, which specifies if samples are paired in the statistical comparison

This function is used as follows:

# Compute statistics 
DataCell@statistic <- data.frame()

V1 = selectSamples(DataCell, 
                   timepoint = "V1")
list.conditions <- list("V6" = selectSamples(DataCell, timepoint = "V6"),
                        "V7" = selectSamples(DataCell, timepoint = "V7"),
                        "V8" = selectSamples(DataCell, timepoint = "V8"))

  DataCell <- computeStatistics(DataCell, 
                                condition = list.conditions[[1]], 
                                ref.condition = V1,
                                comparison = paste0(names(list.conditions)[1], " vs. V1"), 
                                test.statistics = "t.test",
                                paired = FALSE)
## Computing of the t.test for: V6_10105LA,V6_10209HE,V6_10306CG,V6_10503DC,V6_11204CD,V6_20208AA,V6_20210RF vs. V1_10105LA,V1_10209HE,V1_10306CG,V1_10503DC,V1_11204CD,V1_20208AA,V1_20210RF
  DataCell <- computeStatistics(DataCell, 
                                condition = list.conditions[[2]], 
                                ref.condition = V1,
                                comparison = paste0(names(list.conditions)[2], " vs. V1"), 
                                test.statistics = "t.test",
                                paired = FALSE)
## Computing of the t.test for: V7_10105LA,V7_10209HE,V7_10306CG,V7_10503DC,V7_11204CD,V7_20208AA,V7_20210RF vs. V1_10105LA,V1_10209HE,V1_10306CG,V1_10503DC,V1_11204CD,V1_20208AA,V1_20210RF
  DataCell <- computeStatistics(DataCell, 
                                condition = list.conditions[[3]], 
                                ref.condition = V1,
                                comparison = paste0(names(list.conditions)[3], " vs. V1"), 
                                test.statistics = "t.test",
                                paired = FALSE)
## Computing of the t.test for: V8_10105LA,V8_10209HE,V8_10306CG,V8_10503DC,V8_11204CD,V8_20208AA,V8_20210RF vs. V1_10105LA,V1_10209HE,V1_10306CG,V1_10503DC,V1_11204CD,V1_20208AA,V1_20210RF

3.2 Visualization of statistical analysis

3.2.1 Volcano plot of statistical analysis

The plotVolcano() function shows the clusters whose number of associated cells is statistically different between two biological conditions and/or timepoints.

For each cluster, the p-value (indicated by -log10(p-value)) is represented on the Y-axis and the cell abundance fold-change (indicated by log2(fold-change)) is represented on the X-axis. The thresholds for the p-value (th.pv parameter) and the fold-change (th.fc parameter) are shown as dotted lines. Cell clusters down-represented are shown in green and cell clusters up-represented are shown in red.

Here is an example for generating such representation:

# Volcano plot for differential analysis 
            comparison = ("V7 vs. V1"),
            th.pv = 1.3,
            th.fc = 1.5,
            plot.text = TRUE)

3.2.2 Heatmap of statistical analysis results

The plotHmStatistics() function shows the differences in abundance between different conditions for each cluster.

For each cluster, the p-value, the log2(fold-change) and the effect size (statistics parameters) can be represented. Down-represented clusters are represented in orange, and up-represented clusters are represented in blue. Furthermore, it is possible to choose the clusters to be represented with the clusters parameter.

Here is an example for generating such representation:

# Heatmap of statistics
hm.stats <- plotHmStatistics(DataCell, 
                             clusters = NULL,
                             statistics = "pvalue")


3.3 Visualization of cell cluster abundances

3.3.1 Heatmap of cell cluster abundances

The plotHmAbundances() function shows the cellular distribution of samples within a given cluster.

The more the sample is represented within the cluster, the redder the tile. If the sample is not represented in the cluster, then the tile will be black. The plotHmAbundances() function can be interesting to visualize the abundance of statistically different clusters between two conditions, as in the following example:

#Samples to study
samples = selectSamples(DataCell, 
                        timepoint = c("V1", "V6"))

#Statistically different clusters
stats <- DataCell@statistic[DataCell@statistic$comparison == "V6 vs. V1",]
clusters = stats[stats$pvalue<=0.05 & abs(stats$lfc)>log(1.2)/log(2),]$clusters

# Heatmap of abundances
hm.abun <- plotHmAbundances(DataCell, 
                            clusters = clusters,
                            samples = samples,
                            rescale = TRUE)


3.3.2 Cell cluster abundances using a boxplot representation

The plotBoxPlot() function shows the cell distribution between several biological conditions and/or timepoints for a single cluster or for a combined set of clusters.

This display shows the abundances of the user-defined cell clusters (clusters parameter). It is possible to observe the cell abundance as a function of the biological condition or timepoint (obervation parameter). In addition, statistical tests can be performed and displayed directly on the boxplot.

Here is an example for generating such representation:

# Boxplot for differential analysis
            clusters = clusters,
            samples = NULL,
            value.y = "percentage",
            observation = "timepoint", 
            test.statistics = "t.test")

Other possible parameters to customize the plotBoxPlot are:

  • the samples argument, which specifies the biological samples to be displayed
  • the paired argument, which specifies if samples are paired in the statistical comparison

3.3.3 MDS representation based on cell cluster abundances

The plotMDS() function shows similarities between samples or clusters based on cell cluster abundances.

Each point represents a sample or a cluster (levels parameter) and the distance between the points is proportional to the Euclidean distance between these objects. It is possible to observe the cell abundance as a function of the biological condition or timepoint (condition.samples parameter)

Here is an example for generating such representation:

        levels = "samples", 
        condition.samples = "timepoint", 
        clusters = NULL, 
        samples = NULL,
        plot.text = TRUE)

Other possible parameters to customize the plotMDS are:

  • the clusters argument, which specifies the identifiers of the clusters to be displayed
  • the samples argument, which specifies the biological samples to be displayed

3.3.4 PCA representation based on cell cluster abundances

The plotPCA() function shows similarities between samples or clusters based on cell cluster abundances.

Each point represents a sample or a cluster (levels parameter). It is possible to observe the cell abundance as a function of the biological condition or timepoint (condition.samples parameter)

        levels = "clusters", 
        clusters = NULL, 
        samples = NULL, 
        condition.samples = "timepoint",
        plot.text = TRUE)

        levels = "samples", 
        clusters = NULL, 
        samples = NULL, 
        condition.samples = "timepoint",
        plot.text = TRUE)

Other possibl1e parameters to customize the plotPCA are:

  • the clusters argument, which specifies the identifiers of the clusters to be displayed
  • the samples argument, which specifies the biological samples to be displayed

4.Advanced graphical representation

It is important to note that all generated figures are ggplot objects and can be modified in different ways

4.1 Modification of generated plot

The first possible modifications are those concerning the ggplot object such as the title of the axes, or the title of graph

As for the example below:

# Boxplot for differential analysis
            clusters = "47",
            samples = NULL,
            observation = "timepoint", 
            value.y = "percentage",
            test.statistics = "t.test") +
  ggplot2::labs(title = "Boxplot representation for timepoint")

4.2 Combined graphical representation

For the different generated plotManifold it is possible to assemble them into one figure with the grid.arrange() function.

The procedure is as follows:

grob1 = list()
grob1[["density"]] = plotManifold(DataCell, markers = "density")
grob1[["marker"]] = plotManifold(DataCell, markers = "CD8", scale = FALSE)

  grobs = grob1,
  layout_matrix = rbind(c(1,2)))

It is also possible to assemble the heatmap together with the plotcombineHM() function.

As below:

plotCombineHM(hm.exp, hm.stats)

## TableGrob (22 x 18) "arrange": 11 grobs
##     z         cells    name              grob
## 1   1 ( 5-12, 2-17) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 2   2 ( 1- 3, 2-17) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 3   3 ( 5-12, 1- 1) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 4   4 (13-13, 2-17) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 5   5 ( 5-12,18-18) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 6   6 ( 4- 4, 2-17) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 7   7 ( 1- 3, 1- 1) arrange gtable[guide-box]
## 8   8 (14-20, 2-17) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 9   9 (14-20,18-18) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 10 10 (21-21, 2-17) arrange    gtable[layout]
## 11 11 (22-22, 3-16) arrange gtable[guide-box]

5. Advanced usage

5.1 Get samples

The selectSamples() function allows create a vector containing the samples of interest according to their name, condition or timepoint.

The procedure is as follows:

samples <- selectSamples(DataCell, 
                         individual = NULL, 
                         condition = NULL, 
                         timepoint = "V1")

## [1] "V1_10105LA" "V1_10209HE" "V1_10306CG" "V1_10503DC" "V1_11204CD"
## [6] "V1_20208AA" "V1_20210RF"

5.2 Upsampling

The performUpsampling() function allows the data set to be implemented if downsampling has been performed.

This function is used after performing the manifold and clustering (Step 2.4). After calculating the centroids from the existing clusters, the implemented cells will be associated according to their expression similarity with the centroid.

The procedure is as follows:

DataCell <- performUpsampling(DataCell,
                              files = files,
                              transform = "logicle")

5.3 Metaclusters

The createMetaclusters() function allows clusters to be combined to create a metacluster.

This function should be used as many times as there are metaclusters to be created. Be careful, when metaclusters are created, the original clusters are lost.

The procedure is as follows:

DataCell <- createMetaclusters(DataCell, 
                               clusters = c("58", "27"), 
                      = "NewMetacluster1")

5.4 Export

The export() function allows extracting of the dataset in FCS or txt format with some parameters such as UMAP coordinates and clusters.

Please note that if downsampling and upsampling have been performed, only the downsampled cells will be extracted.

With the following method:

       filename = "Analyses_NK_K100.fcs",
       clusters = NULL,
       samples = NULL)
## [1] "Analyses_NK_K100.fcs"


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