Elevo Tests 2019
The aim of the projet was to make some exercices
- Algorithm
- Server MVC - Architecture
Need to install severals depencies such as
- Ruby
- Rails
- React
You need to install all depencies and run "make" for the unique_1
USAGE: ./unique
Elevo_api has to be run on port 3001 and elevo_react on port 3000
$ elevo_api/rails s -p 3001
$ elevo_react/npm run start
localhost:3000/ => to get teams.json
localhost:3000/teams => to get teams from database_postgres api
- React.js
- Ruby On Rails
- Dynamic libraries
- Mathieu Olechowski - Core architecture
- Mathieu Olechowski
- Ruby
- React.js
- Team work
- etc