Redmine Wiki Astah-macro plugin allows Redmine's wiki to embed image of the diagram which is described by astah*
- Add wiki macro
- The plugin makes it link to the image which is exported from .asta file.
- Note: To create embeded image, you must run
periodically by some scheduler which like a cron.
Embed image which is exported from the diagram which is described by astah*.
{{astah_diagram(asta=public:foo.asta, namespace/diagram)}} {{astah_diagram(asta=source:/repo/path/foo.asta, namespace/diagram)}} {{astah_diagram(option=value...,public:foo.asta, namespace/diagram)}} Old format: {{astah_diagram(source:/repo/path/foo.asta, namespace/diagram)}}
Note: .asta file path should be 'public:path/to/asta.asta' or 'source:repositorypath/to/asta.asta'.
Note: Diagram path follows to astah*'s export function. If your diagram name (or namespace) contains '/', the function convert it to '_'.
Note: After redmine 1.3.0, The sequence of expanding wiki links is changed. So, 'source:path/to/file.asta' is expanded as HTML link before executing the macro. To avoid link expansion, you should specify it like "asta=source:path/to/file.asta".
target=value : Additional attribute for IMG.
align=value : Additional attribute for IMG.
width=value : Additional attribute for IMG.
height=value : Additional attribute for IMG.
- Redmine 3.0.0 or later.
- ruby 2.2
- astah* professional 6.6 or later
- (For linux)
- Configure the environment able to run JudeCommandRunner.
For example.
- Configure the environment able to run JudeCommandRunner.
- (For linux)
git clone git://
Copy the plugin tree into #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins/
#{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins/ redmine_wiki_astah/
Configure variable value in script.
(For linux)Configure variable value in redmine_wiki_astah/ ASTAH_HOME : Point the directory where astah-pro.jar is exist. DISPLAY : Point to your display(such as X Server). Recent astah* does not require Dispaly to export diagrams. If you use older astah*, you should setup DISPLAY. (For Windows)Configure variable value in redmine_wiki_astah/run-astah.bat ASTAH_HOME : Point the directory where astah-pro.jar is exist.
rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
Restart Redmine.
Login to Redmine as an Administrator
Setup wiki astah-macro settings in the Plugin settings panel.
'secret key' : Specify any random text you like.
To create embeded image, you must configure to execute Astah.export_diagrams() periodically.
#{RAILS_ROOT}/bin/rails runner Astah.export_diagrams -e production
Note: Please take care of the user who runs redmine and Astah.export_diagrams.
Note: If you execute the method on Windows, you must make sure that run-astah.bat on the PATH. One easy way to accomplish above, run the .bat like below.
@echo off cd path\to\vendor\plugins\redmine_wiki_astah path\to\ruby.exe ......\bin\rails runner Astah.export_diagrams -e production ```
This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.
See COPYRIGHT.txt and GPL.txt for details.
- ver 0.0.1: If database is MySQL,
Please drop table astahs manually. And download newest version and try to migrate again.
- CentOS 6.6 x64
- ruby-2.2.0p0
- MySQL-server-5.6.17-1.el6.x86_64
- redmine-3.0.0
- astah* pro 6.8.0