This library provides a wrapper around the Volusion REST API for use within Ruby apps or via the console.
- Volusion api will allow only one request of an api call. Afterwards, a reset action should by done in the admin panel However, currently when using api calls with a "WHERE" clause, the calls are re-usable **
- Ruby 1.8.7+
- Rubygems
- multi_xml
To connect to the API, you need the following credentials:
- volusion store domain
- Username of an authorized admin user of the store
- encrypted password for the above admin user
#Important: Admin password is changed every 90 days, resulting in the need to change the encrypted password for the api authentication
Download the lib folder and copy it to a path accessible within your app, or install the package directly from Rubygems:
gem install volusion
To use the API client in your Ruby code, provide the required credentials as follows:
require 'volusion'
api ={
:store_url => "",
:username => "admin",
:encrypted_password => "d81aada4c19c34d913e18f07fd7f36ca"
Ping: the ping method allows to check that your configuration is working and you can connect successfully to the store:
will raise a Volusion::Error:InvalidCredentials Exception when credentials are wrong
The supports the following exports:
- get_products
- get_orders
- get_customers
each of the above functions receives hash with the following optional values:
- select_fields - an array or a comma separated string of Volusion available select fields
- conditions - an hash (one element, since for now Volusion supports only one condition per request) with the Volusion field as a key and the wanted value as the hash value
For Example:
$ irb
> api =
> api.get_products({:select_fields => ['p.ProductID', 'p.ProductName'], :conditions => {:p.ProductID => 2}})
will result in returning the product id and name of product with id 2 #By default each request will return all available fields