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anis-se-81 edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 2 revisions

Responses, reactions or movements made by an organism in a particular situation.

##Atomized branch##


Behavior element in structured format.

Type: [DetailType] (


Ancillary information of the BehaviorAtomized element.

Type: [AncillaryDataType] (

##Unstructured branch##


Responses, reactions or movements made by an organism in a particular situation. In block text format.

It is able to leap up to 50 times its size. They use a tether of silk that they produce from their bodies to do so. They are able to use the hydraulic movement of their limbs in spite of not having muscles in their body to do so. They do have to stop now and then to be able to readjust their blood pressure. They are very curious by nature too. This is why they will leap when a human places their hand out. However, they may jump backwards too so that they can get enough distance from that object. They stay focused for long periods of time on what they approach too.

Type: [NormalString] (


Ancillary information of the BehaviorUnstructured element.

Type: [AncillaryDataType] (


Image Description
Complex Type
Sequence structure
Choice structure
Obligatory element
Optional element
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded
minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded
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