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WUlate edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 3 revisions

Description of Taxon: Brief description, Full description, Identification keys and Ancillary Data.

Atomized branch


Brief description, presented in a simple technical language, to distinguish the species from other close or similar ones.

Cap 8–20(30)cm, brown often with a whitish bloom at first gradually lost on expanding leaving a white line at the margin, smooth and dry initially becoming greasy, in wet weather slightly viscid and polished. Stem 30–230 x 30–70(110)mm, robust, pallid with white net. Flesh white, unchanging, flushed dirty straw-colour or vinaceous in cap.

Type: NormalString


Complete and detailed account of the taxonomic and systematic characters, i.e. those that define and allow to recognize an organism.

Type: FullDescriptionType


Tool for the identification of organisms, comprising a series of steps, each of which represents a question about one or more characters of the organism. Each step offers multiple alternatives, choosing one of them will lead us to the next step until reaching, finally, the name of the organism. Most of the keys only offer two alternatives, the so called dichotomous keys. A taxon can include an identification key for the subordinate taxa.

e.g. The register of a genre will include the keys of the species shown in this genre, and the register of a species will include the keys of infraspecific ranks (in the case of plants: subspecies, variety, forms...).

Type: IdentificationKeysType

Unstructured branch


TaxonomicDescription element in text block format.

Type: NormalString


Ancillary information of the TaxonomicDescriptionUnstructured element.

Type: AncillaryDataType


Image Description
Complex Type
Sequence structure
Choice structure
Obligatory element
Optional element
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded
minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded
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