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SaMa edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 1 revision



  • Español:

Fecha cuando la informacion fue hecha publica para consulta.

  • English:

Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Date.Created": Date/time when the intellectual content (project, term, description, etc.) was created. Applications may initially set this to the system date for new data objects, but authors must be able to change it to an earlier date if necessary. If for legacy data this is imprecisely known, it may be missing here. Earlier versions in other data formats should then be mentioned in the copyright or acknowl. statements.

Historial de Cambios

  • PC (Plano) 2.2.1: Previa existencia

  • PC (Plano) 2.2.2: No hay cambios

  • PC (Plano) 2.2.3: No hay cambios

  • PC (Plano) 2.2.4: No hay cambios

Comentarios / Sugerencias

  • //Este es el formato a seguir para comentarios pero aún no hay ninguno.// --- //[|Jose Cuadra] 2008/05/12 10:54//
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