Releases: teamMay/factory
Releases · teamMay/factory
v0.3.0 (2024/05/30)
- ⬆️ Upgrade all deps
- 🏷️ Evolve typing to allow usage of LazyAttribute, Sequence etc... outside of factory definition and directly within factories instances.
- 💥 BREAKING CHANGE : Drop support for node 18, start support for node 20
v0.2.1 (2023/08/28)
- ⬆️ Upgrade all deps
- ✨ Adding a first version of file (quite empty for now)
- ✏️ Correct typo in copyright in LICENSE
- 🔧 Dependabot config: .github config
v0.2.0 (2023/03/21) (unpublished)
Breaking changes:
💥 Drop support for node 16, start support for node 18
- ⬆️ Upgrade all deps
- ⬆️ Migrate to node 18
- 🏷️ Fix typing errors with migration
v0.1.0 (2022-06-28)
🎉 New contributor: @matthieuMay (
💥 BREAKING CHANGES: upgrade to typeorm 0.3 for all typeorm related code.
- ⬆️ Migrate to typeorm 0.3 and remove peer dep
- 🔧 Move to node 16 (LTS)
- 🙈 DS_Store in gitignore
v0.0.3 (2022/01/13)
- 🚸 Factory: Allow to pass entity key even if absent from factory in .create/.build input
🎉 First release with the following features:
- Typeorm adapter, Object adapter
- Factories accept subfactories, sequences, lazy attributes, lazy sequences and functions as attributes
- Post generation hooks
- Fuzzy generation with Fakerjs/Chancejs/ possible
- TypeScript support