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Remove the fear of Android app compatibility on de-Googled devices.

Android app for Plexus

F-Droid Version GitHub Version



To learn more about what Plexus is and what it does, please visit the wiki.



Reproducible builds are enabled, allowing you to install and upgrade the app from any of the following sources, interchangeably:

Get it on F-Droid Get it on IzzyOnDroid Get it on GitHub

Verify integrity if downloaded from GitHub

To verify the integrity of the .apk/.aab files, if downloaded from GitHub, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Powershell by searching for it in the Start menu OR by pressing Win + r and typing powershell
  2. Change directory to the downloaded path
    cd "C:\path\to\downloaded\file"
    cd "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Downloads"
  3. Compute the SHA-256 Hash
    Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path "filename"
    Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path "Plexus_v2.0.0.apk"
  4. The computed hash value should be exactly the same as the one provided in the .sha256 file on GitHub.
Linux & macOS
  1. Open terminal
  2. Change directory to the downloaded path
    cd /path/to/downloaded/file
    cd /home/JohnDoe/Downloads/
  3. Compute the SHA-256 Hash
    sha256sum filename
    sha256sum Plexus_v2.0.0.apk
  4. The computed hash value should be exactly the same as the one provided in the .sha256 file on GitHub.


All notable changes to this project will be documented in the changelog.

Privacy policy

Privacy policy is located here.


If you find bugs or have suggestions, please report it to the issue tracker. We encourage you to search for existing issues before opening a new one. Any duplicates will be closed immediately.


Please read the contributing guidelines before contributing.

New pull requests can be submitted here.


  • StellarSand for developing this app.
  • parveshnarwal for helping with the initial implementation of json into this app.
  • tomkonidas for developing the API & the Plexus website which helped in the development of this project.
  • Henry for going forward with the project and designing/modifying some of the icons.
  • Contributors for making this app better.
  • Everyone who has and continues to contribute data to make this project better than ever.


This project is licensed under the terms of GPL v3.0 license.