Extensive Cyclic Redundancy Check
Work in progress...
import crc_rc3 as crc
import crc_rc3.catalog
import crc_rc3.engines.generic
import crc_rc3.engines.tableized
import crc_rc3.tables
import zlib
data = b"123456789"
data_a = b"12345"
data_b = b"6789"
check = 0xcbf43926 # crc from crc32 algorithm for the str '123456789
simple usage
select cataloged algorithm
parse your input data
calc = crc.create(crc.catalog.crc_32())
hash_a = calc.calc(data)
calculate from multiple strings of input
via instantiate object from the calculator class
calc = crc.create(crc.catalog.crc_32())
inst = calc()
inst.process(data_a) # process, update
hash_b = inst.final() # you can check the result halfway through the calculation
hash_c = inst.final() # result, final
# todo check if is big endian
if you need the hash in bytes
big endian
# hash_d = calc.calc_bytes(data)
# or
# hash_e = inst.final_bytes()
create the crc table manually
# table for crc32
table = crc.tables.new_lsbf(0x04c11db7, 32)
# repr it so you can put in your own code
print(crc.tables.table_repr(32, 80)(table))
define your own parameters
option to select engine algorithm
# params for crc32
params = crc.new(
# required
# optional
aliases=("alias_1", "alias_2"),
table=table, # you can manually insert table here to avoid it being
# calculated automatically every time your program starts
calc = crc.create(params)
hash_f = calc.calc(data)
use a different engine
tableized is fastest engine but creates a table of 256 values
this is the default
generic doesn't create a table, but is slower
# engine = crc.engines.generic
engine = crc.engines.tableized
calc = crc.create(params, engine)
hash_g = calc.calc(data)
use the engine directly
no 'convenience objects'
# NotImplemented
hashes = check, zlib.crc32(data), hash_a, hash_c, hash_f, hash_g
assert all(h == check for h in hashes)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- 01: ...
Other featues:
- ...
CRCx is licensed under Mozilla Public License.