This repo contains the code for reproducing the results in the paper.
The repo is organized as follows:
bio - contains the code to train and test the models on Bias in Bios task.
coref - contains the code to train and test the models on coreference resolution task (Ontonotes and Winobias).
compression - contains the code to measure the compression rate of gender information in a model, using MDL probes.
CEAT - contains the code to measure the metric CEAT in models.
Each folder contains its own documentation, and we provide links to the data (or ways to reproduce it) and links to model checkpoints.
The code of the experiments contains code to automatically log the results to Wandb. All of the scripts
used in this repo are each well documented (use
We use Wandb
to log the experiment's results. If you're not interested, comment out the relevant lines of code (search for "wandb"
in the files to find the lines to comment out).
The requirements.txt file is for creating a conda environment. This environment will be used for most scripts, but some of the scripts for coreference resolution require a different environment, as we based the code on another work.
conda create --name genderbias --file requirements.txt
conda activate genderbias
For questions, please reach out to the authors of the paper.