Polyglotte is a quick and easy way to implement a kind of localisation in web tech based project.
/!\ W.I.P
You must import the polyglotte.js file into your webpage with a script tag
<script src="path-to-libs/polyglotte.js"></script>
Translations are based on 2 things. A file with translated key, and a class on the tag of the HTML element to translate
First of all, you must have somewhere a variable which contains each translations for each languages. This object must be passed to polyglotte when instantiating the library. We will cover that on step IV.
Here is a small exemple of a basic translation object
var translations = {
"gb" : {
"hello": "Hello !",
"how-are-you": "How are you ?"
"fr" : {
"hello": "Salut !",
"how-are-you": "Comment ça va ?"
"es" : {
"hello": "Hola !",
"how-are-you": "Como esta ?"
Data organisations :
- An object with a key for each language.
- Language key must be an ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code of a country.
- Each languages keys are a JS object containing a key for the text part to translate (like "hello" is present in gb, fr and es language keys). If a key doen't exists in a language, the value of the default language will be applyed
Now that we have our translations, we have to make a part in our DOM translatable. It's easy, just add a paragraphe like that :
<p class="plg" data-key="hello"></p>
Notice that :
- The p tag doesn't have any content
- The p tag have a class "plg" here (for polyglotte but use the one you wants...)
- The p tag have a data-key attr with the value that match a translated key from the translations, here "hello"
Now that we have the lib, the translations, and an HTML element that must be translated, lets instanciate polyglotte.
Somewhere, like in a DOM Ready, instanciate polyglotte as so :
var p = new Polyglotte({
"default": "fr",
"current": localStorage["plgLocal"],
"class": "plg",
"translations": translations
Notice that Polyglotte takes an object of params
- default -> Default language ISO code
- current -> The current language stored in the user LS - if undefined, will use the default language
- class -> The class you put on the tags that must be translated
- translations -> The translations object like made in II)
Now in JS, if the user wants to change language, when he click on the selectors you have to implement yourself, just do :
p.setLanguage('lang'); // Where lang is the new country ISO code to translate into