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React Refresher From Front-End-Masters!

This repo is my progress on the Complete Intro to React-v8 on Front-End-Masters. This repo uses yarn as the package manager. To use this repo, clone the repo and use yarn to install dependencies. Comments have been added to cover concepts in a bit more detail to those who may not be familiar with them. Each course objective has it's own directory with each subject having it's own project files, where dependencies will need to be downloaded. Each of the folders are in the same order as the course.

1. Introduction

The introduction is empty because it only talks about what the course plans to cover.

2. Setup & Tooling

This section of the course goes over various tools that wil be used through out the course. Includes sections on the older style of creating react elements, npm (though i used yarn), setting up prettier, eslint & more.

3. Core React Concepts

Covers Concepts such as JSX, Hooks such as useState, useEffect & creating custom hooks ,handling user input, component composition , plus understanding and using the React DevTools Extension.

4. React Capabilities

Expories packages that enhance the react experince, like React-Router-v6 for routing with accessibility in mind , React Query for better handling of effects, Uncontrolled Forms, Class Components & more.

5. Special Case React Tools

Lastly, this section of the course covers things like Error Boundaries with componentDidCatch(), Portals & a little into the Context API.

6 Wrapping Up

The end of the course. Left empty because this somes up everything learned so far and next Steps on the React journey.


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