#howbot 0.2a
the local drunkbot and cosmic relief
Based on the markovify library - http://github.com/jsvine/markovify
Now python 3 compatible and includes parts of speech text filter from taggedtext.py - https://joshuanewlan.com/spacy-and-markovify
Also regularly updates and saves the markov chain to gzipped JSON
And reads its configuration from yaml, or its brain from a tagged spacy/textacy document corpus
Also uses a slightly modified markovify library
Have fun
edit the yaml file, but you don't have to add anything to the brain: line
launch howbot.py [yaml file] [input:text, textacy corpus, gzipped json markov chain]
this only has to be done once. if you change the name of the yaml file in howbot.py it doesn't need to be specified. and after it reads the corpus files, it saves them to json so they only need to be specified once. you can later add more files this way or [soon] during runtime or switch brains.
So after that, just run howbot.py howbot.yaml howbot.json.gz
Other bots of distinguish:
https://github.com/Agade09/CGBot2 / https://www.codingame.com/blog/markov-chain-automaton2000/ - CGBot, uses techniques to reduce markov memory size
https://github.com/gunthercox/ChatterBot - chatterbot, uses neural net for generation
https://github.com/capnrefsmmat/seuss - the rhyming bot from the future
https://github.com/cjones/madcow - good utility bot, megahal is funny, lots of functions
https://github.com/spion/triplie-ng - another type of markov/ai implementation
http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/c3.shtml - Don't let the age fool you! Its one of the most innovative bots in terms of approach - most of the other bots have a fixed source of input, this bot is more inquisitive... :)