2.0.0 (2018-11-12)
add Util.value method to help retrieve alternate value from object using alternate keys (9d143a2 )
create an assign method that performs deep clone unlike native Object.assign method (68162bc )
extend Response module, add the redirect util method (36f5f6e )
extend the response module, provide the json, status, and setHeaders method which are made ch (c9c2027 )
incorporate environment settings and custom error and access logging capability (162e41b )
integrate error logging, support for asynchronous middlewares and callbacks (e881e16 )
respond to unhandled promise rejection events (4cf5c59 )
set development as default environment, .error.log and .access.log as default error and access (f739296 )
support the use of asynchronous middlewares and route callback controllers (c15aa4d )
test latest multi-file field value pattern, asynchronous middleware and callback supports (f728972 )
Multi-file field data are now organised as a collection of arrays for every key, to
be accessed using the index location
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