An initiative to collect and store debate videos for current and future NPDA debaters. Development in process - contact Tejas Prabhune at for questions/comments/requests for features!
Search - any keyword, team, round, tournament, tag along with typos is currently supported and will return 3 previews while typing and will return up to 10 results when Enter is hit.
Information - results are offered in cards that provide information about:
- Round title (w/ teams)
- Resolution
- Aff - information about PMC, sometimes MG/PMR
- Neg - number of off-case positions, block collapse choice
- Decision
- Year
- Tournament
- Tags
Selection - clicking on a result card will display a main card with the same information and will display an embedded audio controls element if possible and a link to the round as the title of the card itself.
Infinite Scroll - any search query allows the user to page by scrolling to the bottom to generate more results
Upload/Add - any user may add a result card for a specific round recording they possess by inputting the relevant round information and a Dropbox/YouTube/Vimeo link.
The timeline for these features is TBD since the main features I wanted to implement have been completed and school and debate prep usually takes precedence. Pull requests with work on these features are also super welcome!
Copy Round Info Snippets - button to generate and copy round info for the Cal ground truth doc.
Advanced Search Mechanisms - more explicit keyword-based filtering of results outside of only search-bar inputs.
Cross-Sync - any round recording added to the Cal-specific List of All Round Recordings Google Doc will be automatically synced to the website database and vice-versa (potentially Cal-rounds only to prevent doc overloading and crashes).
Team/School Based Logins - Ability to create school-wide accounts for school-specific recordings (e.g. hosting practice round recordings that schools are unwilling to share to the general public)
The code is currently in a working stage - the main .js file has been commented to a certain extent but is very much vanilla JS as of right now. Hopefully I get around to learning React and reimplementing this project for a more modern structure. Pull requests of this nature are welcome!