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Tekton Pipeline release v0.11.0-rc4 "Ragdoll Norby"

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@afrittoli afrittoli released this 30 Mar 18:03

πŸŽ‰ Beta Release Candidate 4 πŸŽ‰

This is the fourth release towards Beta and includes a few final bug fixes for issues discovered after RC3 went out. This will be the final release before we formally declare Beta ready.

🚨 If you are upgrading from an older version of Tekton you may need to delete your existing tekton-pipeline deployments before applying the 0.11 release candidates.

🚨 Submitting v1alpha1 Tasks more than once can now result in errors. Submitting a v1alpha1 Task once will work but submitting the same Task again will fail. To work around this problem use kubectl replace instead of apply or first delete the Task and then re-apply it.

This is a side-effect of the way Tekton internally upgrades Tasks from v1alpha1 to v1beta1. This issue will affect any Task that includes inputs.params or inputs.resources. On submission Kubernetes will return an error such as error when applying patch [...] validation failed: expected exactly one, got both: inputs.params, params.

🚨 Please also note that the minimum version of Kubernetes required to run Tekton is now 1.15.


Deprecation Notices (Same as RC1)

  • 🚨 PipelineResources are not moving to Beta with Tekton's other types

    PipelineResources have been a source of some contention within the Tekton community over the past several months. While the abstraction they expose does provide some value they can often be difficult to understand, hard to debug when they go wrong, and are far too limited in number and scope. For these reasons and more we do not plan to promote PipelineResources into Beta and will instead provide a documented migration path for users that does not use the type at all. Towards this goal we have already introduced a git-clone Task to the Tekton Catalog that provides exactly the same behaviour as the Git PipelineResource and we plan to introduce similar Tasks for all of the other existing PipelineResource types as well.

    See the git-clone Task in the catalog.

  • 🚨 The $HOME env var and workingDir of Steps will change in the next release

    Tekton currently overwrites the HOME environment variable in a Step's container to always be /tekton/home and the workingDir field of the Step's image to always be /workspace. This behaviour is problematic when a container depends on those values to be something specific for it to run correctly.

    In this release we are leaving Tekton's default behaviour alone but have introduced a new ConfigMap, named feature-flags, that allows you to disable it. In the next release we plan to flip this behaviour so that it is opt-in rather than opt-out. At some point in the future we plan to remove support for this overwriting behaviour entirely. (#2044).

Backwards incompatible changes (Same as RC1)

In current release:

  • 🚨 The minimum required version of Kubernetes is now 1.15

    Bump kubernetes to 1.16.5 and knative/pkg to release-0.12 (#1894)

  • 🚨 Submitting v1alpha1 Tasks more than once can now result in errors. Submitting a v1alpha1 Task once will work but submitting the same Task again will fail.


  • πŸ› Fix the variable substitution for task results inside array parameters (#2300)
  • πŸ› Add missing omitempty that breaks compatibility (#2301)
  • πŸ› Correct missing field(s) error (#2295)


  • πŸ”¨ fix skipRootUserTests flag 🎏 (#2304)


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.11.0-rc4!