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Tekton Triggers v0.6.0

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@dibyom dibyom released this 24 Jun 19:32

-Docs @ v0.6.0
-Examples @ v0.6.0



  • Add URL parsing to CEL expressions. (#591)

    This adds a new function parseURL to the CEL expression library.
    This will act on a string, and parse it into a map which can be accessed from the remainder of the expression.
    For example, ''.parseURL().fragment == 'test'

  • Add BitBucket Interceptor with examples and README (#578)

    Adds a new core interceptor for webhooks from Bitbuckert. Check out the docs and examples for more information

  • Add extra columns for EventListeners (#614)

    EventListeners now display the status.address.url and Available status.Condition as additional fields when listed with kubectl get

  • Modify spec params to avoid confusion between resourcetemplates and triggertemplate params (#589)

Variable interpolation support in TriggerTemplate now uses the form $(tt.params.<paramName>) instead of $(params.<paramName>) in order to reduce confusion with Pipeline variable interpolation syntax. To maintain backwards compatibility, the $(params.<paramName>) syntax continues to be supported but will be removed in a future release. Users are advised to start using $(tt.params) in their TriggerTemplates. See #589 for more information and examples.

  • Add tolerations to eventlistener (#597)

    Adds a podTemplate.tolerations field to the EventListener spec that allows users to customize the EventListener Pod.
    See the docs for details.

Deprecation Notices 🚨

  • Variable interpolation in TriggerTemplates using $(params) has been deprecated in favor of using $(tt.params)

    Variable interpolation support in TriggerTemplate now uses the form $(tt.params.<paramName>) instead of $(params.<paramName>) in order to reduce confusion with Pipeline variable interpolation syntax. To maintain backwards compatibility, the $(params.<paramName>) syntax continues to be supported but will be removed in a future release. Users are advised to start using $(tt.params) in their TriggerTemplates. See #589 for more information and examples.

Backwards incompatible changes 🚨

In current release:

  • Triggers no longer supports referring to TriggerBindings in a EventListener using the name field. Use the ref field instead. (#603)

    The name field was depreacted in favor of the ref field in Triggers v0.5.0. To ease the upgrade, Triggers would automatically set the ref field to the value of the name field. Starting this release, Triggers will stop setting the default automatically. See #603 and #548 for more details

Fixes 🐛

  • Publish both tagged and untagged images for releases (#598)

    All triggers release images are now tagged with the release version.

  • Cache trigger secrets for the duration of request (with tests) (#595)

    Cache Kubernetes secret refs for each EventListener webhook, using the cached value to process each trigger

  • Ensure that decodeB64 returns a String rather than Bytes. (#609)

  • Fix formatting of version in config (#623)

  • Fix the Data Race in portforward e2e test of EventListener (#631)

Misc 🔨

  • Remove linting from release pipeline 🧹 (#588)
  • Fix release version tag for release yaml (#587)
  • fix gosec error (#620)
  • Use portforwarder instead of kubectl command line (#599)
  • Do not default EventListener trigger ref to name (#603)

Docs 📖

  • Fix 'Edit this page' and 'Create an issue' links on the website (#580)
  • Refactored examples and added GitHub example with README (#576)
  • Fix link to getting started guide on website (#582)
  • Adding doc links for release 0.5.0 in the Read the docs section (#593)
  • Fix GCP setup broken link in dev docs (#600)
  • Move multi tenant section below syntax (#602)
  • Update TriggerTemplate docs with supported types. (#601)
  • Modify BitBucketInterceptor to BitbucketInterceptor (#596)

How to upgrade from v0.5.0 :up_arrow:

  1. Change any EventListeners that uses the name field to refer to a TriggerBinding to use a ref field instead
  2. Install Triggers. One liner:
kubectl apply -f


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.6.0!

Extra shout-out for awesome release notes: