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RabbitMQ (stable) w/ Kubernetes fixes & manifests

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Joe Black | | github


Minimal image with one plugin (rabbitmq-management). This image uses a custom, minimal version of Debian Linux.

Build Environment

Build environment variables are often used in the build script to bump version numbers and set other options during the docker build phase. Their values can be overridden using a build argument of the same name.


The following variables are standard in most of our dockerfiles to reduce duplication and make scripts reusable among different projects:

  • APP: rabbitmq
  • USER: rabbitmq
  • HOME /var/lib/rabbitmq

Run Environment

Run environment variables are used in the entrypoint script to render configuration templates, perform flow control, etc. These values can be overridden when inheriting from the base dockerfile, specified during docker run, or in kubernetes manifests in the env array.

  • RABBITMQ_LOG_LEVEL: lowercased and used as the value for the connection log_level tuple in rabbitmq.config. Defaults to info.
  • RABBITMQ_DISK_FREE_LIMIT: used as the value for the vm_memory_high_watermark tuple in the rabbitmq.config file. Defaults to 50MB.
  • RABBITMQ_VM_MEMORY_HIGH_WATERMARK: used as the value for the vm_memory_high_watermark in the rabbitmq.config file. Defaults to 0.8.
  • RABBITMQ_ENABLED_PLUGINS: ,'s are replaced with 's and fed as positional arguments to rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline before starting rabbitmq. Defaults to rabbitmq_management,rabbitmq_management_agent.

In addition to these, there are numerous other variables recognized by the rabbitmq bash script.



Under docker (pre-built)

All of our docker-* repos in github have CI pipelines that push to docker cloud/hub.

This image is available at:

To run:

docker run -d \
    --name rabbitmq \
    -h rabbitmq \
    -e "ERLANG_COOKIE=test-cookie" \

NOTE: Please reference the Run Environment section for a list of available environment variables.

Under docker-compose

Pull the images

docker-compose pull

Start application and dependencies

# start in foreground
docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit

# start in background
docker-compose up -d

Under Kubernetes

Edit the manifests under kubernetes/<environment> to reflect your specific environment and configuration.

Create a secret for the erlang cookie:

kubectl create secret generic erlang --from-literal=erlang.cookie=$(LC_ALL=C tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | head -c 64)

Create a secret for the rabbitmq credentials:

kubectl create secret generic rabbitmq --from-literal=rabbitmq.user=$(sed $(perl -e "print int rand(99999)")"q;d" /usr/share/dict/words) --from-literal=rabbitmq.pass=$(LC_ALL=C tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | head -c 32)

Deploy rabbitmq:

kubectl create -f kubernetes/<environment>


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