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Running Telly: Autostart on Linux systems

Chaz Larson edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 1 revision

Upstart script

Create the telly upstart file

sudo nano /etc/init/telly.conf

Paste in this skeleton, changing username, /path/to/telly, /path/to/telly.config.toml.

#author "telly project"
#description "Upstart Script to run telly as a service on Ubuntu/Debian"

#Set username for the process
setuid username
setgid username

start on runlevel [2345]

stop on runlevel [016]


exec /path/to/telly --config.file /path/to/telly.config.toml

We're providing the config file path here because the telly directory will not be the current working directory when it gets launched. If you have telly.config.toml in one of the standard locations, you could remove that bit, but it's harmless and safe to specify it on the command line.

Save and close the file, and now you can try to start telly.

sudo service telly start

The terminal should say

telly start/running, process 1234

If you get any errors about the service not starting then a reboot may be required.

sudo reboot
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