This gem implements a full-featured ruby interface for the Vimeo API.
Vimeo’s API documentation is, in my opinion, pretty poor. I’ve done my best to implement all the functions that are described here. There are some extra functions described here, but I can’t be 100% sure what the correct parameters are for each method, so I’m going to omit them for the time being.
If you haven’t already, add github’s gem server to your sources:
gem sources -a
Then, it’s as easy as:
sudo gem install matthooks-vimeo
Add the gem plugin to your Rails project by adding the following to your @environment.rb@ file:
config.gem "matthooks-vimeo", :lib => "vimeo"
There are two modules:
Vimeo::Simple Vimeo::Advanced
The wrapper for the Simple API consists of the following classes and methods: Vimeo::Simple::User.clips(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.likes(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.appears_in(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.all_clips(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.subscriptions(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.albums(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.channels(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.groups(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.contacts_clips(username) Vimeo::Simple::User.contacts_like(username)
Vimeo::Simple::Activity.user_did(username) Vimeo::Simple::Activity.happened_to_user(username) Vimeo::Simple::Activity.contacts_did(username) Vimeo::Simple::Activity.happened_to_contacts(username) Vimeo::Simple::Activity.everyone_did(username)
Vimeo::Simple::Group.clips(groupname) Vimeo::Simple::Group.users(groupname)
The classes in Vimeo::Advanced must be instantiated with an your application’s api key and secret. For example,
vimeo_video ="api_key", "secret")
Then you can make calls on the instance:
vimeo_video.get_list("matthooks", :page => 2, :per_page => 50)
The wrapper for the Advanced API consists of the following classes and methods:
get_token(frob) get_frob check_token(auth_token)
echo(options={}) null(auth_token) login(auth_token)
get_list(user_id, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0 }) get_uploaded_list(user_id, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil }) get_appears_in_list(user_id, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil }) get_subscriptions_list(user_id, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil }) get_list_by_tag(tag, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil })@ get_like_list(user_id, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil })@ get_contacts_list(user_id, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil }) get_contacts_like_list(user_id, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil }) search(q, options={ :page => 1, :per_page => 25, :full_response => 0, :auth_token => nil }) get_info(video_id, auth_token=nil) delete(video_id, auth_token) get_thumbnail_url(video_id, size=100) set_title(video_id, title, auth_token) set_caption(video_id, caption, auth_token) set_favorite(video_id, favorite, auth_token) add_tags(video_id, tags, auth_token) remove_tag(video_id, tag_id, auth_token) clear_tags(video_id, auth_token) add_cast(video_id, user_id, auth_token, options={}) get_cast(video_id, auth_token=nil) remove_cast(video_id, user_id, auth_token) set_privacy(video_id, privacy, auth_token) get_comments_list(video_id) add_comment(video_id, comment_text, auth_token, options={}) delete_comment(video_id, comment_id, auth_token) edit_comment(video_id, comment_id, comment_text, auth_token)
find_by_user_name(username) find_by_email(find_email) get_info(user_id) get_portrait_url(user_id, options={}) add_contact(user_id, auth_token) remove_contact(user_id, auth_token) get_upload_status(user_id, auth_token) add_subscription(user_id, type, auth_token) remove_subscription(user_id, type, auth_token)
get_upload_ticket(auth_token) check_upload_status(ticket_id, auth_token)
Implement options that allow you to specify a format (xml, json, PHP). Right now this is slightly complicated by the fact that Vimeo returns text/html for json and not application/json, so HTTParty can’t auto-detect the content-type.
Better initialize method for the advanced api that takes the auth_token into account.
Define a method that returns the correct form URL for uploading videos.
video_set_privacy needs the ability to specify users.
Some methods are not implemented by vimeo or don’t seem to work.
Input verification? The alternative is to just let vimeo handle it.
May need to escape input in several cases
More re-factoring.