This service provides a serverless implementation of Active groups in AWS IoT. Using this service, IoT groups can be configured to be populated with devices automatically based on device attributes in the shadow.
For ex: You can have a group called HighTemperature and enable it in such a way that all IoT Things that has an attribute called "Temperature" and with a value > 100, gets automatically added to the group
To create an active group, you will need to call the microservice rest api end point. The architecture for group creation is shown in the diagram below
Once deployed the active groups are automatically activated and starts monitoring the device attribute changes in the shadow. In case of a breach in the defined threshold, the device is automatically added or removed from the group by the process lambda. The runtime flow is depicted below.
- Dynamically group the devices based on an specific attributes
- Use the active groups to monitor and react to device changes
- Clone the repo
- Package the cloudformation
aws cloudformation package --template-file cfn/template.yaml --s3-bucket <YOUR_S3_BUCKET> --output-template-file cfn/packaged-template.yaml
- Deploy cloudformation
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file cfn/packaged-template.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name <YOUR_STACK_NAME>
In your AWS console or CLI, discover your newly created API ARN resource name for your API URL prefix. Or, assign your VPC subnet hostname or private DNS name as the endpoint.
REST API usage:
curl -X POST -d '{...}' my_api_prefix.execute-api.{aws_region}
See documentation on generating an API SDK for programmatic access:
And an example of Javascript SDK usage:
"Operation": "NEW",
"GroupName": "HighTemperature",
"Attribute": "Temperature",
"Operator": ">",
"Threshold": "100"
"Operation": "GET",
"GroupName": "HighTemperature"
"Operation": "DELETE",
"GroupName": "HighTemperature"
- Find the rest api endpoint
- Using Postman or your favorite tool, submit a POST request with a body
"Operation": "NEW",
"GroupName": "HighTemperature",
"Attribute": "Temperature",
"Operator": ">",
"Threshold": "100"
You should receive the below response
"response": "Group Created"
- Open AWS IOT console and create a thing called "active_group_test_thing"
- In the AWS IOT console - traverse to the Manage on the left and select groups.
- Now select HighTemperature group and select Things to confirm it is empty
- In the AWS IoT console - traverse to the test option on the left and select publish to a topic
- Submit the below message to the topic "$aws/things/active_group_test_thing/shadow/update"
"state": {
"reported": {
"Temperature": "90"
- Check the things in the group to ensure it is still empty
- Now lets give a temperature above 100. Send the below message to topic "$aws/things/active_group_test_thing/shadow/update"
"state": {
"reported": {
"Temperature": "102"
- Check the things in the group to ensure the active_group_test_thing is now a member of the group
- Now lets give a temperature below 100. Send the below message to topic "$aws/things/active_group_test_thing/shadow/update"
"state": {
"reported": {
"Temperature": "80"
- Check the things in the group to ensure the active_group_test_thing is not a member of the group anymore
- Tesing complete
This is released under the MIT license. Details can be found in the LICENSE file.