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;; Simple MIDI tracker for Jack audio engine.
;; Currently in early development. Some of the planned features are not yet implemented. But it works as is :)
;; Reads standard input for commands and notes to play, sends the corresponding MIDI events to
;; the specified port.
;; Author: Anton Erdman <tentaclius at gmail>
;; License: BSD. Please see the LICENSE file for details.
;; To compile the program you will need the following packages: g++, make, libjack-jackd2-dev (Jack Audio development files).
;; The binary file available in the repository is built on Ubuntu 16.04.1.
;; The following lines illustrate the valid commands. The comments start with ";" sign.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Individual notes.

         ; Comment line. Empty lines does not count and does not alter time.
A5       ; The note A of fifth octave.
C        ; The note C of default (fourth) octave.
c        ; The same note; parser is case insensitive to notes.
C#       ; C sharp.
Bb       ; B flat.
B&       ; Another way of saying B-flat.
A#7      ; A shart of 7th octave.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Volume, note length and node delay modifiers.

C!40     ; Specify the velocity of the note (0..64).
C%20     ; Delay before the note plays in microseconds.
C@100    ; Note playing time in microseconds.
C%20@200!64    ; All modifiers together. The order does not matter.
c:1/2    ; 1/2 of the current note length.
c:4+1/2  ; Note plyaing time is 4/2, start delay is 1/2 of the current note size.
         ; If both "@" and ":" delays are given, the delaying time is the sum of the two.
         ; All time modifiers can be real numbers.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Playing multiple tones.

C E G    ; Play several notes simultaneously.
         ; There are three columns, you can manage what port/channel each column
         ; belongs to by using "port" (see below).
(C E) G  ; Group first two notes, so both events associated with the first column.
         ; This might be useful if you assign several MIDI channels/ports for different columns
         ; using "port" command (see below).

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Other note patterns.

.        ; Skip a turn. A silent note.
*        ; Play a default note. The default note is set by "default" command.
^        ; Repeat the last note.

|        ; Do not mute the previous note in this column.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Full note format:

; <NoteName> [(#|b|&|n)] [<OctaveNumber>] [<Modifiers>]
;   where <Modifiers> contain one or several of the following (order is not important):
; !<IntegerNumber>      ; set the note's velocity;
; %<RealNumber>         ; delay the note for specified number of microseconds;
; @<RealNumber>         ; note playing time in microseconds;
; :<RealNumber>         ; note playing time in current note size parts;
; +<RealNumber>         ; delay the note in current note size parts;
; /<RealNumber>         ; specify the parts devisor for "+" and ":" modifiers.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Controlling directives.

default C#4    ; Set the default note (directives are case sensitive).
volume 50      ; Set the default volume for the notes (0..64).
transpose 10   ; Transpose the notes.
tempo 120      ; Set the playing speed in BPM.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Loops.

loop 4         ; Play the block for n times.
c e g          ; If the number of repititions is not specified, the loop will go forever.
d f a
| | |
. . .          

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Bar separator.

-------        ; Visual bar separator. The number of '-' signs does not matter.
----- 3/4      ; You can set the quantization for the following blocks.
               ; Currently only the numerator is important. It defines how many notes will fit into the next cycle.
--- 4/4 #C     ; Specify the size and default signs.
--- #A bB nC   ; A-shart, B-flat, natural C.
Bn             ; "n" suffix to play natural tone within a section with altered pitches.

; Some examples for the bar.
tempo 60       ; Set the playing pace. 60 BPM. Meaning the following bar will take 1/60 of a minute.
---- 4/4       ; 4/4 specifies the bar will contain 4 notes. The time that was set with the tempo splits into 4 parts.
C              ; A line corresponds to 1/240 of a minute.
---- 3/4       ; Change the bar dimennsions. From now, the line will represent 1/180 of a minute.
g              ; I.e. the bar will contain 3 notes.
----           ; The demonstrated bars will have the same time, as the tempo didn't change, but
               ; will be split into different sized chunks.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Aliases.

;; You can create an alias for a note, e.g.
alias drum C#2 ; Create an alias for C#2.
               ; The upcoming occurences of "drum" in the pattern will be replaced with C#2.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Other stuff. Some sidenotes.

;; Keep in mind that transpose, default, volume and alias modifiers are static, i.e. 
c              ; Natural C will be played for all iterations.
--- #c         ; The signature change only applies to the notes that go above this line despite the loop.
c              ; Sharp C for all iterations.

;; tempo and --- (separator that also controls the quantization and signs) commands are dynamic.
;; I.e. in the following example the tempo will change in the middle of the iteration and will stay changed.
tempo 120

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Creating and linking MIDI ports.

;    _ A column.
;    | _ [optional] Column range.
;    | | _ The name of the output port (will be created).
;    | | |             _ [optional] MIDI channel.
;    | | |             | _ [optional] Port to try to connect to.
;    | | |             | |
port 1 3 output_to_zyn 0 zynaddsubfx:midi_in
               ; The first, second and the third columns to be sent to
               ; the output channel named "output_to_zyn".
               ; The program will make an attempt to connect to the input port
               ; of "zynaddsubfx", input port midi_in, channel 0.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Note groups.

(A B) C        ; Notes A and B will be sent to the channel associated with the first column. C to second column.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; MIDI controllers.

; $<ControllerNumber>=<IntegerValue 0..127>[..<FinalValue>][..<Step>][:<Time>][/<Factor>]
$7=100         ; Send the value 100 to the MIDI controller #7 (volume for zynaddsbufx).
(C $4=100)     ; MIDI controls can be grouped with the notes and are being sent to the corresponding channel.
$7=0..127:3/2  ; Create a ramp of MIDI control messages. Change gradually from 0 to 127 within 3/2 of current note time.

; For Pitch Bend controller there is a special form:
$pb=0..16383   ; 8192 is the middle value meaning no pitch bend.


Console MIDI tracker for Jack Audio.







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