This is a cryptographic library (mostly made for fun and academic purpose). I try to adhere to standards, and verify the implementation by expected output. Here is some of the resources used:
- For tests: Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines, Examples with Intermediate Values
- AES, NIST FIPS 197 (my implementation is vulnerable to S-box related timing attacks)
- Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA) NIST FIPS 180-4
- CMAC NIST SP 800-38B
- PBKDF2: RFC8018
- Twofish
- ChaCha20: RFC8439 but with 64 bit counter and nonce
Generate the documentation with
cargo doc --no-deps --open
In the examples diecroy there are a example. It is a small application to encrypt, decrypt and apply error correcting codes. Run with
cargo run --example cryptor --release -- [-h] [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile] [-p password] encrypt|decrypt
- Poly1305
- Fortuna using ChaCha20?
- SHA256 fam
- SHA3
- Elliptic curves (Curve25519)
- Digital signatures?
- Fix input vectors and salts
- Twofish
- Message padding like SHA512 for CBC
- CBC in place on mutable vector
Input vector be removed from aes cipher and inv_cipher.
Encrypt and decrypt not aligned with 16 bytes.
IV in encrypt and decrypt iterator.
cipher block chaining in encrypt and decrypt iterator.
cipher text stealing in encrypt and decrypt iterator.
Incorporate the code of Frixxie
- Encrypt and decrypt stream is buggy when encrypting less than a single block. (CTS should not be activated, but i think maybe it is?)