List of examples:
- avro-example: An example to demonstrate how to create an Avro IPC (Inter-Process Communication) server and exchange messages with it.
- avro-d2-example: An example for a scalable web service using Avro IPC as the communication protocol and using ZooKeeper for client-side load balancing.
- kafka-example: An example that sets up a Kafka server and demonstrates how a consumer consumes messages produced by a producer.
- mongodb-example: An example that uses Avro to define data schema and stores the data in MongoDB.
- oauth2-example: An example of a web service with OAuth2 support based on Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth.
- oauth2-avro-d2-example: An example of scalable Avro web service with OAuth2.
- schema-evolution-example: An example of schema evolution in a scalable Avro web service, showing how a client and a server exchange messages using different versions of a protocol.