The dip
command can generate ASCII art DIP package diagram from
simple pin-outs definition in
For example, the following left side TOML file defines
CD74HCT163E 4-Bit Binary
Counter with Synchronous Reset, and dip
command will generate the
right side ASCII art diagrams.
$ cat cd74hct163.toml $ dip --pin cd74hct163.toml
name = "74163" _____
title = "CD74HCT163" #MR 1|* |16 Vcc
dip = 16 CP 2| 7 |15 TC
width = 300 P0 3| 4 |14 Q0
1 = "#MR" P1 4| 1 |13 Q1
2 = "CP" P2 5| 6 |12 Q2
3 = "P0" P3 6| 3 |11 Q3
4 = "P1" PE 7| |10 TE
5 = "P2" GND 8|_____|9 #SPE
6 = "P3" CD74HCT163
7 = "PE" $ dip --west cd74hct163.toml
8 = "GND" #
9 = "#SPE" V S
10 = "TE" c T Q Q Q Q T P
11 = "Q3" c C 0 1 2 3 E E
12 = "Q2" +---------------+
13 = "Q1" | |
14 = "Q0" |* 74163 |
15 = "TC" +---------------+
16 = "Vcc" # C P P P P P G
M P 0 1 2 3 E N
You can define alternate names for a pin by separating names with a
comma. dip
can generate bottom-side view as well, which is handy for
$ grep PB3 atmega328p_minicore.toml
17 = "PB3, D11, MOSI, OC2A"
$ dip --alt --pin2 atmega328p_minicore.toml
#RESET D22 PC6 1|* |28 PC5 D19 ADC5 SCL
RXD D0 PD0 2| |27 PC4 D18 ADC4 SDA
TXD D1 PD1 3| A |26 PC3 D17 ADC3
INT0 D2 PD2 4| T |25 PC2 D16 ADC2
INT1 D3 PD3 5| m |24 PC1 D15 ADC1
D4 PD4 6| e |23 PC0 D14 ADC0
VCC 7| g |22 GND
GND 8| a |21 AREF
XTAL1 D20 PB6 9| 3 |20 AVCC
XTAL2 D21 PB7 10| 2 |19 PB5 D13 SCK
OC0B D5 PD5 11| 8 |18 PB4 D12 MISO
OC0A D6 PD6 12| P |17 PB3 D11 MOSI OC2A
D7 PD7 13| |16 PB2 D10 SS OC1B
D8 PB0 14|_____|15 PB1 D9 OC1A
Note that this program is my first Rust experience. Please let me know if you find better way in Rust in my code.
$ dip --help
dip 0.1.2
dip [FLAGS] <specifcation_file>
-b, --bottom Bottom-side output
-e, --east East direction output
-h, --help Prints help information
-n, --north North direction output
--alt All alternate names output
--alt1 One alternate name output
--alt2 Two alternate names output
--pin Pin number output with 1 space
--pin2 Pin number output with 2 spaces
-s, --south South direction output
-t, --top Top-side output
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --west West direction output
<specifcation_file> DIP specification file path
More information about this command can be found at