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Ant library script to enable running Gradle tasks from within Ant build scripts


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Simple Ant libraries to enable running Gradle tasks from within Ant build scripts. Ant macros used to enable user to directly use them in simple Ant targets using really simple parameters!

For more information take a look here!


As Ant cannot import and cache files like Gradle for use in its buildscripts the only option to use this library is a local copy. When you're not using this project inside a Git repository just clone or download & unpack the repository directly.

When you want to use this project inside another Git repository, instead of downloading a hard copy use a Git submodule using the following command:

git submodule add


Defines the basic gradle macro used in all other macros througout this Ant library and the ones below!

Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle Java plugin:

  • classes (macro gradle.classes)
  • testClasses (macro gradle.testClasses)
  • jar (macro gradle.jar)
  • fatJar (macro gradle.fatJar)
  • test (macro gradle.test)
  • clean (macro gradle.clean)
  • javadoc (macro gradle.javadoc)

There are also three additional items to work with Gradle as it is:

  • macro gradlew.version (Gradle wrapper version into property gradle.version)
  • macro vGradleBuildLibsDir (read Gradle "libs" directory into property
  • macro vGradleJarName (read Gradle Jar name into property
  • macro vGradleFatJarName (read Gradle fat Jar name into property
  • macro gradlew.cmd (run Gradle Wrapper on command line with non restricting arguments)
  • target gradle.kill (kills all Gradle processes)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/Gradle2Ant.xml" />

Development environment plugins (IDE)

This plugins can be found in the ide folder!


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle Eclipse plugin for generating Eclipse configuration files:

  • eclipse (macro gradle.eclipse)
  • cleanEclipse (macro gradle.cleanEclipse)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/ide/Gradle2Ant-Eclipse.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle IDEA plugin for generating IntelliJ IDEA configuration files:

  • idea (macro gradle.idea)
  • openIdea (macro gradle.openIdea)
  • cleanIdea (macro gradle.cleanIdea)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/ide/Gradle2Ant-IDEA.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle Visual Studio plugin for generating Visual Studio configuration files:

  • visualStudio (macro gradle.visualStudio)
  • openVisualStudio (macro gradle.openVisualStudio)
  • cleanVisualStudio (macro gradle.cleanVisualStudio)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/ide/Gradle2Ant-VisualStudio.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle XCode plugin for generating XCode configuration files:

  • xcode (macro gradle.xcode)
  • openXcode (macro gradle.openXcode)
  • cleanXcode (macro gradle.cleanXcode)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/ide/Gradle2Ant-XCode.xml" />

Gradle plugins for other use cases

This plugins can be found in the plugins folder!

Official Gradle plugins

This plugins can be found in the official folder!


Abstract macro based on the task provided by the Gradle WAR plugin for creating web archives:

  • war (macro gradle.war)

There are also three additional items to work with Gradle as it is:

  • macro vGradleWarName (read Gradle War name into property

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/official/Gradle2Ant-WAR.xml" />


Abstract macro based on the task provided by the Gradle EAR plugin for creating enterprise archives:

  • ear (macro gradle.ear)

There are also three additional items to work with Gradle as it is:

  • macro vGradleEarName (read Gradle War name into property

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/official/Gradle2Ant-EAR.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle Groovy plugin when using Groovy when developing:

  • compileGroovy (macro gradle.compileGroovy)
  • compileTestGroovy (macro gradle.compileTestGroovy)
  • groovydoc (macro gradle.groovydoc)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/official/Gradle2Ant-Groovy.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle Scala plugin when using Scala when developing:

  • compileScala (macro gradle.compileScala)
  • compileTestScala (macro gradle.compileTestScala)
  • scaladoc (macro gradle.scaladoc)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/official/Gradle2Ant-Scala.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle Application for running and creating (distributable) applications:

  • run (macro
  • startScripts (macro gradle.startScripts)
  • installDist (macro gradle.installDist)
  • distZip (macro gradle.distZip)
  • distTar (macro gradle.distTar)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/official/Gradle2Ant-Application.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the Gradle JaCoCo plugin when checking code for coverage based on the results of the Gradle tasks of type Test:

  • jacocoTestReport (macro gradle.jacocoTestReport)
  • jacocoTestCoverageVerification (macro gradle.jacocoTestCoverageVerification)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/official/Gradle2Ant-JaCoCo.xml" />

Inofficial Gradle plugins

This plugins can be found in the inofficial folder!


Abstract macro based on the task provided by the unofficial Gradle SonarQube plugin when running a static code analysis on the given source code:

  • sonarqube (macro gradle.sonarqube)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/inofficial/Gradle2Ant-SonarQube.xml" />


Abstract macros based on the tasks provided by the unofficial Gradle RunTestsSeparateJVMPlugin plugin when running jUnit tests eather in separate JVM sequentially or in parallel

  • testSeparateJVMSequentially (macro gradle.testSeparateJVMSequentially)
  • testSeparateJVMInParallel (macro gradle.testSeparateJVMInParallel)

Can be imported into any Ant build script using:

<import file="${}/plugins/inofficial/Gradle2Ant-RunTestsSeparateJVM.xml" />


Ant library script to enable running Gradle tasks from within Ant build scripts







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