Hello, how are you? I'm Thalles, I'm a student of information systems and I currently live in São Paulo. I currently work with frontend and I'm passionate about building innovative and useful solutions for users and an enthusiast of the principles of software architecture and design. Currently my focus of study is related to topics like Clean Architecture, TDD, DDD... 🏴☠️
import Developer from 'Thalles Ian';
class aboutMe extends Developer{
name = 'Thalles Ian';
area = 'Frontend';
local = 'Itaquera - SP';
class Skills extends Developer {
aplicationsAndData = ['Javascript','HTML5',
'Context API','Node.js','Express.js',
'Clean Archtecture','MongoDB', 'Postgres'
'FaunaDb', 'Prisma', 'Tailwind', 'Styled Components'];
utilities = ['Sequelize','Postman','Insomnia'];
devops = ['Docker','Git','Github'];
developmentTools = ['Trello','Visual Studio Code', 'Jira'];
methodologies = ['Scrum', 'Kanbam'];