API Hybrid is a Hybrid test automation framework, that combines features of (Modular, Keyword Driven and Data driven).
Data Driven.
Keyword Driven.
Page Object pattern and Page Factory. POM
Objects shared repository.
Rest Assured
Rest Assured
Java editor.
Clone the project. [https://github.com/the-octopus/ResAssured_PET.git]
Open the project in InteliJ Java editor.
Project is organized as follow:
Contains shared libraries to handle all interaction in the framework and also as follow.
- com.Hybrid.hunger.Utilities.listeners : used to handle transforming testNG test methods and create extent report.
DataManager : used to handle reading and updating data from excel sheet.
Driver: used to handle the execution of the test by reading test cases from excel sheet, reading test data, invoking the test methods as per test data and reporting.
Global : used to create global variables in the project like [Global.Test.Browser].
Common : Some Common general purpose methods.
Contains the test methods.
Contains the test scenario methods
This module is the main entry point for the execution.
We will run our project from selecting main method and run it through the InteliJ IDEA.
We are using the PET on line as example [http://petstore.swagger.io/#/]
- Clone the Project.
- Open it in InteliJ.
- Configure the Excel Control file , The Driver sheet with the name of your test scenario method Select which method to execute by flag yes/no. file [ TestAssets/TestData/TestData.xlsx ]
- Define your test data as in Excel Control file , PetServiceDetails sheet
- Save all you work.
- Got to Class Runner.
- run the test by using the /main method.
- The system will run the test and generate a HTML report with date and time stamp name as per the bellow example Reports/Automation_Result_2020_03_19_103241/Automation_Report.html
Please for more details do not hesitate to contact me at LinkedIn