I am passionate about solving unique problems by leveraging data. I have several years of experience building software products across different industries.
- Graph data processing to extract insights from collaboration activity using Neo4j
- Q&A system to help with the contextual search for answers to questions
- Project schedule forecasting and risk sourcing using Probabilistic Bayesian models
- Sentiment analysis on unstructured data using Huggingface Transformers
⛵ I am involed in Data Science initiatives at my organization working towards architecting our data strategy to build data platforms, data engineering, machine learning and product engineering practices.
🔭 I’m currently working on exploring the field of XAI and Trust in AI and how it can help in Decision support.
🌱 I’m currently learning to build language applications using Huggingface
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on XAI
💬 Ask me about NLP, XAI, Entrepreneurship
📫 How to reach me,