In this project the intention was to work with other junior developers to make a useful and sustainable project. This was done using as a guide. This was done for the starting semester, reasoning being to explore the 5 subjects within Fontys HBO ICT. This is mainly made for the subject 'software' with help of the subject 'media & design'.
- React native (Javascript based)
- Expo for testing purposes
- Git (-hub) for version management
- Axios for API requests
- Sequelize for Database interaction
- Connection to a database to display information (R/SQL)
- Functional login/registering page with account information
- NFC/Barcode scanner for the product outside of the application
- Information in a useful and meaningful manner displayed
Software development, version management and leading role: Joris A. Brugman App look, branding and design: Hakan Çoban