Guides on removing your dependency on a single large company (sad face goes here).
If you have to ask, then you probably don't need this.
Google offers a huge amount of services, at an amazing price, free!
Except it's not free, they track the living hell out of you. Some folks are cool with that, others hate it. Me personally, and like most people I think, some level of mild concern. There's also that 'single point of failure' concern, your entire life going through one company? Sure, unlikely to go away... but if it did? There is also the desire to 'own' ones data, rather than farming it out. Finally, there's the curious side of me, how practical is it? What am I overlooking etc.?
Basically, every service that Google offers. So quite a bit. For me personally, Android is one of the big issues, as it ties back to a lot of others services.
I want this guide to try to cover as much as it can to help me break away. What would I have to set up, and what would I simply have to suffer with? What compromises will have to made?
Feel free to create PR to suggest additional changes. Use issues to suggest services that should be covered. Simply sharing this project will help too!