What: AMP-up (?) - music learning app. A “piazza for music” where snippets of music can be posted and users can discuss, play, compare and ask about them. Social, collaborative, cloud-based, crowdsourced instrument learning app.
Before we begin:
- “Us winning this hackathon” is not:
- impossible
- easy
- a refrigirator
- Jackie Chan “Us winning this hackathon” is:
- what people who travel back in time would call “fact”
- an inevitability of fate
- entirely up to us and our attitude
- Jackie Chan
Things we will need:
- User accounts
- support students and instructors
- later, also support “artists” (?)
- Server that stores and manages:
- discussion topics
- sound files
- images
- user-data
- additional information(?)
- User Interface/Experience (at the final form of the app)
- smooth (demo-able) experience
- tags and labels on questions (like piazza) for easy searching
- differentiate student and instructor accounts
- (do this by having two different layouts for the same activity? two activities for the same layout? completely separate?)
- students can: submit audio to instructors, post questions, suggest answers, suggest their recorded “version” of an exercise, post images (sheet music snippets)
- instructors can: submit a “verified solution” to a question, endorse a student solution, post answers, discuss student answers, post exercises (and assign them), post announcements, post images (sheet music snippets, maybe even their own hand-written/printed exercises)
- Tie-in with the nonprofit
- loading and uploading screens could have a blurb about AMP, while users wait for the app
- quick links to open facebook page/website
- maybe a donation button
- add a “news” and “about” tabs to the app that talk about AMP
- loading and uploading screens could have a blurb about AMP, while users wait for the app
- Extra features and scenarios we would like to talk about as “directions the app can take after the hackathon” or mock-up for the demo
- remote teaching with teachers from all over the world
- teachers can even record and send snippets of music to the student comment on the student’s playing ability
- can be a way to distribute a set of exercises to a class
- can be made into a global “learning forum” where exercise-sets are provided and the community can assist new players
- artists can “donate” exercises and their own recording (maybe allow them to include an audio description of the exercise or just let them post flavor-text) which could be sold for a small fee (really small, maybe $1 for a small set, $5 for something more substantial) and users could buy these and the money is donated to AMP
- talk about how more advanced features of the device might be used with the app
- NFC to quickly point another student (or an instructor) to a specific exercise or solution
- tie in to android’s “share” service
- better note detection feature to analyze playing ability
- read notes off of images (like OCR)
- add a tuner and a metronome
- vidhur vidhur vidhur
- remote teaching with teachers from all over the world
- Technical features
- server:
- node restful API
- mongo database
- files are stored on the computer
- server needs to accept POST with attached music/image files
- “authenticate” users
- deliver JSON information and files for specific “views”
- all questions in a “classroom”
- all comments/solutions to a question
- etc.
- client
- android >=4.0.x
- smooth UI and UX (see above)
- store some data locally (don’t request all the questions every time you go to the main view, keep them in a local database and update db and view when you query for new questions)
- Use camera and microphone; produce useable sound and image files; send them to server.
- eat pineapples
- jarvis should fill out the rest...
- vidhur
- vidhur vidhur vidhur vidhur
- vidhur vidhur
- vidhur vidhur vidhur
- vidhur
- server:
Versions and Agile approach
- v0.0 - basic contact and views
- log-in screen
- loading screen
- classroom lobby
- contact simple server for log-in (plain-text authentication
- receive array of (empty) questions from server, display an empty list as the lobby
- contact db on server
- v0.1 - text based adventure
- create a view for displaying individual questions and answers
- separate student and instructor answer
- client should store data from the server so it’s faster to load the lobby every time
- questions should only have a text-field as their “question body”
- answers can be displayed
- separate student and instructor answers on the page
- server sends “fake” questions and answers
- create a view for displaying individual questions and answers
- v0.2 - shouldn’t we also be able to post questions
- client implements POST requests to create new questions
- server supports POST requests to create new questions
- no longer sends fake questions to the view
- create a view for submitting questions (forms)
- similar POST for submitting answers
- v0.3 - what about the music
- client can attach images to questions
- load from sdcard
- take pictures
- server can receive images for questions
- store locally
- db stores the string containing the path to the file
- client can attach audio to answers
- load from sdcard
- record (don’t worry about setting up tempo/signature yet, but leave adequate room for it to be implemented later)
- server stores and sends audio files
- client can attach images to questions
- v0.4 - collaborate/rate
- instructors can endorse student answers
- add comments to answers (use as follow-up discussion)
- up-vote/down-vote questions
- up-vote/down-vote student-answers
- v0.5 - ORGANIZE!
- map all question based on #-tags found in the question body and answers
- maybe we should be careful, since the octothorpe is often used for sharp-notes (e.g. C#, F#, etc.)
- implement tag-search
- screw full-text search.
- filter the standard lobby view to only show posts for the relevant tag
- server needs to support tags on questions
- map all question based on #-tags found in the question body and answers
=v0.6 - tba when we talk about it/get closer
- vidur vidur vidur