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thedod edited this page Nov 26, 2014 · 8 revisions

Wish list

This is a list of things that would hopefully turn into pull requests later.

@kylewm: I don't add them as issues to your project because that seems too bossy to me. You may disagree, or have other priorities. If I want something bad enough, I can always write it myself 👼.

The order is arbitrary.

  • Linkification and markup at webmentioning sites

  • oembed:

    • display it (if any) at share/reply from sites that support it.
    • provide it for our own items.

    Useful for various silos (e.g. flickr), but I need it to show Diaspora* stuff reasonably, and vice versa.

  • People focused mobile look: When we see this on a mobile, it's hard to get to the h-card.

    • Easy fix: a "contact" button that scrolls down to the h-card.
    • Later: do something fancy with those nice icons addressbook entries have. Perhaps use a contact called "me" for editing it.
  • Item titles: Item titles should go through a markdown -> plaintext function (whatever it's called), not only because it looks ugly as the browser's title, but mainly because it comes out in feeds and feeds mean gateways (mine goes to twister).

  • State-sensitive GUI: create/edit GUI always shows publish publish+tweet publish quietly save draft regardless of whether item was already published (should say update update and republish) or a draft (no indication when I view a draft that users can't see it), etc.

  • Dealing with tweets: I think that post+tweet shouldn't decide on some "best guess" and fire away. Author should get the share_on_twitter form, pre-filled with the "best guess" (which is often wrong 😉).

  • Bookmarklet: should go to a page offering like/share/reply (so there should be such a page server-side, of course). Here's something crude.