This is a command line tool for finding the best matching controls for a group of patients using Minimum Weighted Bipartite Matching.
When matching patients with controls the aim is to minimize the differences between the two groups. One method is to match each patient to the closest control, which may not result in the minimal overall differnce. A different approach, aimed at minimizing the sum of differences between each subject and its matched control can be performed using the minimum weighted bipartite matching algorithm.
Clone the repository: git clone
Create a virtualenv If using virtualenvwrapper (And you should be!) mkvirtualenv subject_match
cd subject_match
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
And you're good to go! -c <controls.csv> -p <patients.csv> -c <controls.csv> -p <patients.csv> -d --controls <controls.csv> --patients <patients.csv>
-h --help Show this screen. -c --controls= The file containing a csv of control subject data. -p --patients= The file containing a csv of patient subject data. -d The delimiter used in the csv file. [default: ,] --version Show version.
A list of "<patient_id> matches <control_id>" will be printed to stdout.
The input files should have the form:
Released under MIT license. See LICENSE