This repo contains a collection of Quake III Arena keygens developed in a wide variety of languages.
These keygens are meant to be run, recreated (like in scratch's version), or compiled.
The algorithm is quite simple :
An array of specific characters ["2", "3", "7", "a", "b", "c", "d", "g", "h", "j", "l", "p", "r", "s", "t", "w"] is meant to be picked randomly and put together as a 16 characters key.
The verification code can be read there, at line 98 :
This repository has no other goal than having fun over a so simple algorithm, with multiple languages, during free time, between friends.
Moreover, as the game is now vintage, these keygens shouldn't harm any sales, or id Software themselves (as they provided the source code of it).
Execute one (or more) of our brewed keygens in the language you're most confortable with, and see for yourself when the key is asked !