Utility for performing simple actions on YAML files. Primarily intended to be used inside shell scripts.
To get the source of this project, issue the following command:
$ GO111MODULE=on GOSUMDB=off go get github.com/theochva/goyaml
For Mac OS, you can install the command via homebrew:
$ brew tap theochva/grizano
$ brew install goyaml
Once already tapped and installed you can update using:
$ brew upgrade goyaml
Alternatively, you can download the latest release from https://github.com/theochva/goyaml/releases or install the latest using:
$ GO111MODULE=on GOSUMDB=off go install github.com/theochva/goyaml
The main syntax for the CLI is:
Utility to perform simple operations on YAML files:
- get/set/delete/check properties to/from YAML content/file
- Validate YAML content/file
- Convert to/from YAML/JSON content/file
- Expand Go templates using YAML as the values file
All actions can be performed using either files or stdin/stdout.
Primarily intended to be used in scripts or command line.
RC is always 0 unless there was an error while processing.
goyaml [command] [<flags>]
Available Commands:
contains Check if a value is contained in the yaml
delete Delete a value from the yaml
expand Expand Go templates using the YAML as the values data. The templates are expanded to stdout
from-json Convert JSON to YAML
get Read a value from the yaml
help Help about any command
set Set a value in a YAML document
to-json Convert YAML to JSON
validate Validate the yaml syntax
-f, --file string The yaml file to read/write. If not specified it reads from stdin
-h, --help help for goyaml
-v, --version version for goyaml
Use "goyaml [command] --help" or "goyaml help [command]" for more information about a command.
goyaml [-f <yaml_file>] <command> [options]
goyaml --file <yaml_file> <command> [options]
goyaml -f <yaml_file> <command> [options]
cat foo.yaml | goyaml <command> [options]
All commands can either operate on YAML read from stdin or from a file using the --file
or -f
All commands require that the YAML file is specified using the --file
or -f
options, since all commands either read from or write to the YAML file.
In addition, all commands expecting a key
parameter accept keys with a "dot" .
notation for nested properties. Array support is not available. For example, given a simple YAML file:
child: someValue
prop2: value2
The "key" parent.child
can be used to get/set the value someValue
The available commands are invoked in the form goyaml -f FILE <command> [options]
and are:
- Base syntax:
goyaml get <key> [-o|--output json|yaml]
- Can retrieve simple or container elements
- Can select the output format (JSON, YAML, text)
- For more examples, see
goyaml help get
orgoyaml get --help
Base syntax:
goyaml set <key> <value> [-t|--type string|int|bool|json|yaml] goyaml -f|--file <yaml-file> set <key> --stdin [-t|--type string|int|bool|json|yaml] goyaml [-f|--file <yaml-file>] set <key> -i|--input <value-file> [-t|--type string|int|bool|json|yaml]
The intermediate keys are created if not present in the file, e.g. using
goyaml -f my.yml set firstLevel.secondLevel.thirdLevel hello
will create the path
if it does not exist before setting the value forthirdLevel
Can set values directly from CLI and specify the data type to be written to the YAML file, e.g.
:goyaml -f /tmp/foo.yaml set first.second.strProp "This is a string" goyaml -f /tmp/foo.yaml set first.second.intProp 10 -t int goyaml -f /tmp/foo.yaml set first.second.boolProp true -t bool
Can set values from a file:
goyaml -f /tmp/sample.yaml set first.second.third -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_priv goyaml -f /tmp/sample.yaml set first.second.third -i /tmp/foo.json -t json goyaml -f /tmp/sample.yaml set first.second.third -i /tmp/foo.yaml -t yaml
Can use in a "pipe" command to read the value to set from STDIN, e.g.:
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_priv | goyaml -f /tmp/sample.yaml set first.second.third --stdin cat /tmp/foo.json | goyaml -f /tmp/sample.yaml set first.second.third --stdin -t json cat /tmp/foo.yaml | goyaml -f /tmp/sample.yaml set first.second.third --stdin -t yaml curl [options] | goyaml -f /tmp/my.yml set prop1.prop2 --stdin --type json
For more examples, see
goyaml help set
orgoyaml set --help
Base syntax:
goyaml -f|--file FILE delete <key>
Deletes the requested key (and subkeys) from the YAML file
When processing a YAML file specified with the
options, it simply outputstrue
to indicate whether the value was deleted or not.- Examples:
goyaml -f /tmp/foo.yaml delete first.second.third goyaml -f /tmp/foo.yaml del first.second.third
- Examples:
When processing YAML read from stdin, the result (updated) YAML is printed to stdout.
- Examples:
cat /tmp/foo.yaml | goyaml delete first.second.third cat /tmp/foo.yaml | goyaml del first.second.third
- Examples:
For more exmples, see
goyaml help delete
orgoyaml delete --help
- Base syntax:
goyaml -f|--file FILE contains <key>
- Checks if the specified key is in the YAML file and outputs either
- For more examples, see
goyaml help contains
orgoyaml contains --help
- Base syntax:
goyaml -f|--file FILE validate <key> [--details,-d]
- Default behavior is to output
- Instead of
, you can get the any validation error using the--details
flags. In this case, when YAML is valid, nothing is outputed - Examples:
goyaml -f /tmp/sample.yaml validate cat /tmp/sample.yaml | goyaml validate
- For more examples, see
goyaml help validate
orgoyaml validate --help
- Base syntax:
goyaml -f|--file FILE expand -t|--template <template-files> [-e|--ext <extensions>] [-o|--output text|html] goyaml -f|--file FILE expand --text <template-text> [-o|--output text|html]
- The
option simply defines which Go-Lang template package to use, eitherhtml/template
. For text files, the output is identical. - Can expand using one or more template files, in one or more directories.
- Can expand using an inline text template
- For more examples, see
goyaml help expand
orgoyaml expand --help
Base syntax:
goyaml f from-json [-i|--input <input-json-file>]
Can be used to "convert" a JSON file to a YAML file
- NOTE: some ordering might be lost in maps and arrays due to the different way maps/arrays are implemented in Go. However, the data should all be intact.
Can convert a JSON file into a YAML file:
goyaml -f /tmp/foo.yaml from-json -i /tmp/foo.json
Can use in a "pipe" command to read the JSON value to "convert" from STDIN and print to STDOUT, e.g.:
cat /tmp/foo.json | goyaml from-json
For more examples, see
goyaml help from-json
orgoyaml from-json --help
Base syntax:
goyaml -f|--file FILE to-json [-o|--output <output-json-file>] [-p|--pretty]
Can be used to "convert" a YAML file to JSON
- NOTE: some ordering might be lost in maps and arrays due to the different way maps/arrays are implemented in Go. However, the data should all be intact.
Can convert a YAML file into a JSON file:
goyaml -f /tmp/ff.yaml to-json -p > /tmp/ff.json goyaml -f /tmp/ff.yaml to-json | jq . goyaml -f /tmp/ff.yaml to-json -o /tmp/ff.json -p cat /tmp/ff.yaml | goyaml to-json -p > /tmp/ff.json cat /tmp/ff.yaml | goyaml to-json | jq . cat /tmp/ff.yaml | goyaml to-json -o /tmp/ff.json -p
For more examples, see
goyaml help to-json
orgoyaml to-json --help