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theodorusclarence committed Dec 31, 2022
1 parent 4cde5f4 commit ada9dd5
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127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/contents/blog/2022-retrospective.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
title: 'The 2022 Retrospective'
publishedAt: '2022-12-31'
description: 'Surabaya, Covid, Apple Developer Academy, Projects and more'
banner: 'behnam-norouzi-IUnlR6XXseI-unsplash_lts5af'
tags: 'retro'

## Introduction

It's finally the end of the year again, and writing a retrospective for 2022. With this retrospective, I'm reminding myself how much I've grown this year and what I've done.

## Back to Surabaya

After almost 3 full semesters of online lectures, finally, we students can attend campus offline. To be honest, at first, it was a bit scary because it had been a while since I had gone back to Surabaya and studied offline again, but it was still exciting. Another reason why I'm back to Surabaya is that I'm preparing for the Apple Developer Academy, which will start around February this year.

## I Got Covid

Hooray, covid 🤣. Yes, my place where I stay, kinda like a dormitory called _kosan_ is affected by Covid. Get familiar with this _kosan_ word, I'm going to use it often. All of my friends who stayed in my kosan got covid. At first, we are self-isolating and didn't leave our room because we were afraid of getting Covid, but in the end, we all left the room because everybody had it, and we didn't care anymore 🥲. Luckily my uni had not started at that time, so we can all focus on getting sick.

## Apple Developer Academy

I am very grateful to have the opportunity to join the Apple Developer Academy at Ciputra University. I actually received two offers for the program - one in Binus Jakarta and one in Ciputra Surabaya. I finally chose the one in Surabaya because at that time which is around November 2021, there was anticipation that the classes might have to be held offline. Which was true, phew.

It seems like the story of my journey at Apple Developer Academy won't be detailed here. I've been thinking about writing a blog specifically for the Apple Developer Academy, but here are some interesting highlights.

### New Device!

After using my MacBook Air Early 2014 for 8 years, my MacBook finally retire and can be replaced with a MacBook Pro M1 2020 🥳. This is a total upgrade and the speed difference is mesmerizing. I've also been accommodated with an iPhone 13 and an Apple Watch 7, which makes me even more enthusiastic to learn at the Academy.

<TweetCard tweetId='1496421134828707842' />

[Link to Tweet](

### Hexcape

Hexcape is one of the projects I developed while participating in the Apple Developer Academy. This was my final project, and it is a board game. During the time I spent at the Academy, I often played board games with my classmates. We chose something that we found interesting and engaging.

<TweetCard tweetId='1603605602428628992' />

It's a long thread, [Check it out](

There is a [full project]( information about Hexcape.

Overall, the Apple Developer Academy was a very meaningful experience for me and I gained a lot of knowledge and a portfolio that I think is very impressive and has a "wow factor.”

## LhokUtang

<TweetCard tweetId='1501076387821940736' />

[Link to Tweet](

After getting a new powerful device, I got excited to use it well and I thought about making something. This problem has actually been happening for a while in my kosan. We have a habit of helping each other out where one or two people go out and buy food for like 5 people in the kosan. Of course, the person who pays is the one that goes out to buy. Because there is no one keeping track, we forget, and this phrase is often heard in the kosan lobby: "Hey, how much do I owe you from yesterday?" "Have you paid back my debt yet? I forget how much it was yesterday.”

Thus, LhokUtang was born, taken from the name of my _kosan_, "Kos Lhoktuan." After using this app, we can take turns buying food, and, all transactions are now recorded.

From the time it was created until the time this blog was written, 16 of my friends have made **1,442 transactions** that are recorded in the database 🤯. Kudos to my kosan friends who are using this app.

## Projects

### Starter Repo

The starter that was created last year has continued to grow and has gained even more stars! There are now **1,328 stargazers**, and that number is what motivates me to make the starter repository even better.

<GithubCard repo='theodorusclarence/ts-nextjs-tailwind-starter' />

If you're interested in knowing more about my starter, I have a [full blog post]( talking about it.

### PPDB Sulawesi Selatan 2022

This year, I had the opportunity to lead the front end of the PPDB Sulawesi Selatan project. This is an application to accommodate students who want to enter a local high school in the province of South Sulawesi. This is a fairly large project and I as a leader, have a lot of responsibility. This project certainly makes my coding more organized and I apply what I have learned while studying to produce high-quality code and guide my fellow developers to consistently write good code.

As a bonus, I also had the opportunity to fly directly to Makassar to work with the Department of Education. The best part, of course, was the culinary foods in Makassar!




### Notiolink

This year, I released an open source product that can be used by many people, called Notiolink. Simply put, Notiolink is a link shortener that uses Next.js and the Notion API. Everything is free and can be deployed immediately. I use this for my personal shortener, [](

Learn more about Notiolink on this [project page](

## Blog

This year, due to the Apple Developer Academy, I haven't written many blog posts. The Academy takes up a lot of time and energy, but my blog has still grown quite a lot over the past year. Here is the monthly statistic.


## Light Gaming

An unexpected highlight this year was: Light Gaming. In recent years, I have rarely played games, especially on my laptop. Because, well, my laptop was a potato. But this year, with the new device and new friends from the Academy, I tried playing games and it was very enjoyable.


## What's next for 2023

It wouldn't be a retrospective without 2023 resolutions. Next year will be the year when I start my thesis and graduate. I have a goal to start researching how to work remotely or work abroad. Of course, before that, I need to finish my thesis first hahaha.

I also hope to be able to host a webinar again next year so I can share my knowledge and experience with others.
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/contents/blog/id-2022-retrospective.mdx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
title: 'The 2022 Retrospective'
publishedAt: '2022-12-31'
description: 'Surabaya, Covid, Apple Developer Academy, Projects and more'
banner: 'behnam-norouzi-IUnlR6XXseI-unsplash_lts5af'
tags: 'retro'

## Introduction

Akhirnya sudah ada di akhir tahun lagi, dan menulis retrospective untuk tahun 2022. Dengan retrospective ini, aku bisa mengingat kembali seberapa banyak aku grow di tahun ini dan apa yang sudah kulakukan.

## Back to Surabaya

Setelah hampir 3 semester penuh kuliah online, akhirnya anak-anak kampus bisa masuk kembali offline. Jujur, ini awalnya agak menakutkan karena udah agak lama ga balik merantau dan ke kampus lagi, tapi tetap exciting. Aku juga balik ke surabaya karena mempersiapkan untuk Apple Developer Academy yang akan mulai sekitar bulan Februari di tahun ini.

## I Got Covid

Hore covid wkwkwkw. Iya, sekosan kena covid karena ya gabisa dikontrol namanya juga anak-anak kosan. Kita satu kosan kena covid, yang awalnya pada ga keluar kamar karena takut kena covid, ujung-ujungnya keluar semua dari kamar karena terlanjut covid semua jadi ga perlu takut. Untungnya kuliah waktu itu masih belum mulai jadi sakitnya bisa tenang.

## Apple Developer Academy

Aku sangat bersyukur bisa dapet kesempatan untuk mengikuti Apple Developer Academy di Universitas Ciputra. Aslinya, aku dapat 2 tawaran untuk Apple Developer Academy yaitu di Binus Jakarta dan Ciputra Surabaya. Aku akhirnya ambil untuk yang di Surabaya karena dulu pada saat sekitar November 2021, sudah ada antisipasi kalau misalnya kuliahnya harus offline.

Sepertinya cerita Apple Developer Academy tidak akan rinci disini, aku kepikiran untuk nulis blog lagi khusus untuk Apple Developer Academy, tapi ada beberapa highlight yang menarik

### New Device!

Setelah menggunakan laptop MacBook Air Early 2014 selama 8 tahun, akhirnya macbook-ku bisa pensiun juga dan digantikan dengan MacBook Pro M1 2020 🥳. Ini total upgrade dan bener” jauh kerasa speednya. Dan diakomodasiin juga dengan iPhone 13 dan Apple Watch 7 yang bikin ikut Apple menjadi semakin semangat

<TweetCard tweetId='1496421134828707842' />

[Link to Tweet](

### Hexcape

Hexcape adalah salah satu project yang aku develop pada saat mengikuti Apple Developer Academy. Final projectku ini adalah sebuah boardgames, karena selama proses ikut Academy, aku sering main board games bareng teman-teman setim. Kita memilih hal yang menurut kita menarik dan engage.

<TweetCard tweetId='1603605602428628992' />

It's a long thread, [Check it out](

Ada penjelasan [full project]( tentang Hexcape.

Overall, Apple Developer Academy sangat berkesan buatku dan aku dapet banyak ilmu dan portfolio yang menurutku sangat bisa dibanggakan dan punya "wow factor".

## LhokUtang

<TweetCard tweetId='1501076387821940736' />

[Link to Tweet](

Setelah dapet device yang kenceng, jiwa developerku memberontak dan terpikir untuk membuat sesuatu. Sebenarnya problem ini udah lumayan lama terjadi di kosku, yaitu ketika beli makanan, ada budaya 'nitip', jadi yang keluar beli 1/2 orang, makanannya 5 porsi. Tentunya, yang bayar duluan yang keluar beli. Karena ga ada yang nyatet, banyak banget yang lupa, dan kata” ini sering terdengar di lobby kosan: “weh utang gw berapa ya kemaren”, “lu blom bayar utang gw ya? berapa sih kemaren uda lupa”.

Jadilah LhokUtang, diambil dari nama kosanku yaitu 'Kos Lhoktuan'. Setelah pake aplikasi ini, kita bisa beli makannya gantian, dan akhirnya karena semua transaksi dicatet sama masing-masing penghuni kosan, jadi tidak mudah lupa.

Dari awal dibuat sampai waktu blog ini ditulis, 16 penghuni udah melakukan **1.442 transaksi** yang terekam di database 🤯. Kudos ke anak-anak kos yang mau pake aplikasi ini.

## Projects

### Starter Repo

Starter yang dibuat tahun lalu, sudah semakin berkembang sekarang dan semakin banyak star! Sekarang ada **1.328 stargazers**, dan angka itu adalah yang menambahkan motivasi untuk membuat starter repositorynya semakin bagus.

<GithubCard repo='theodorusclarence/ts-nextjs-tailwind-starter' />

If you're interested in knowing more about my starter, I have a [full blog post]( talking about it.

### PPDB Sulawesi Selatan 2022

Di tahun ini, aku dapat kesempatan untuk nge-lead front-end di project PPDB Sulawesi Selatan. Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi untuk mengakomodasi siswa yang ingin masuk ke SMA Negeri di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Ini adalah project yang cukup besar dan tanggung jawabnya juga besar. Project ini pastinya bikin codinganku jadi semakin rapi dan aku menerapkan hal-hal yang sudah aku pelajari selama belajar, untuk menghasilkan code yang berkualitas, dan membimbing rekan-rekan developer sehingga bisa konsisten menulis code yang baik.

Sebagai bonus, aku juga dapet kesempatan untuk terbang langsung ke Makassar untuk kerja bareng di Dinas Pendidikan. Best partnya, tentunya kuliner!




### Notiolink

Tahun ini, aku merelease sebuah produk open source yang bisa digunakan orang banyak, yaitu Notiolink. Simplenya notiolink adalah sebuah link shortener yang menggunakan Next.js dan Notion API. Semuanya free dan bisa langsung dideploy. Aku pakai ini untuk personal shortenerku yaitu [](

Learn more about Notiolink on this [project page](

## Blog

Tahun ini, karena ada Apple Developer Academy, aku ga gitu banyak nulis blog. Karena memang Academy memakan cukup banyak waktu dan energi, tapi blogku berkembang cukup jauh selama setahun ini. Here is the monthly statistic


## Light Gaming

Highlight yang tidak disangka di tahun ini adalah: Main Game. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir aku sangat jarang main game, terutama game di laptop. Karena ya, laptopnya kentang. Tapi di tahun ini dengan adanya device baru dan teman baru dari Academy, aku mencoba main game dan sangat menyenangkan.


## What's next for 2023

Bukan retrospective kalo tidak ada resolusi 2023. Tahun depan akan jadi tahun dimana aku mulai melakukan skripsi dan lulus. Aku punya target untuk start research bagaimana cara remote working atau working abroad. Tentunya, sebelum itu menyelesaikan skripsinya dulu wkwkwkw.

Aku juga punya harapan untuk bisa membuat webinar lagi di tahun depan supaya bisa sharing ilmu dan pengalaman ke orang lain.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/pages/index.tsx
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Expand Up @@ -347,12 +347,12 @@ export async function getStaticProps() {
const library = await getAllFilesFrontmatter('library');

const featuredPosts = getFeatured(blogs, [
const featuredProjects = getFeatured(projects, [
Expand Down

1 comment on commit ada9dd5

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@vercel vercel bot commented on ada9dd5 Dec 31, 2022

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