Mangaloo has a contemporary user interface, enabling searches for users favorite manga titles, easy access to all available chapters, and seamless reading experiences. The application includes a recommendation section highlighting the most popular and highest-rated manga series.
Mangaloo is based on Mangadex API and respects their Usage Policy.
The home screen features a section at the top displaying our current recommendations.
The 'Popular' tab showcases the most frequently saved manga at the moment, while the 'Best Rated' tab is self-explanatory. (both sections are always up to date)
In this menu all the cards redirect to their specific chapter view
Utilize the search screen to effortlessly discover manga titles by searching with their respective titles.
Users can view detailed information, including the author, rating, follows, and all available chapters and also expand manga description using the down arrow to.
Each chapter description includes its title, volume, upload date, and scan group.