This library makes composer's auto-loader map accessible without having to manually find the files for inclusion.
Main usage for this would be to build modularized applications which rely on composer's packages.
Caching of the autoload values is currently not built in, but may get implemented in the future
This library works on top of composer's autoloader map. This means, that in order for it to work you must use it from the vendor directory.
In order to use it you must use composer dump-autoload -o
"dash optimize ( -o ) is crucial".
>= 7composer
Require theorx/autoloadermap
with composer. Example: composer require theorx/autoloadermap
$autoLoaderMap = new Theorx\AutoLoaderMap\AutoLoaderMap();
//get Classmap
$autoLoaderMap->getClassMap(); //Returns array of classes
//get namespaces
$autoLoaderMap->getNamespaces(); // Returns array of namespaces from autoload_namespaces.php
//get PSR-4
$autoLoaderMap->getPSR4(); // Returns psr-4
- Lauri Orgla