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File metadata and controls

522 lines (417 loc) · 12.5 KB


Check out the swtl-starter app

A Service Worker Templating Language (swtl) for component-like templating in service workers. Streams templates to the browser as they're being parsed, and handles rendering iterables/Responses in templates by default. Also supports SSR/SWSRing custom elements, with a pluggable custom element renderer system.

Runs in Service Workers, but can also be used in Node, or other server-side JS environments.

npm i swtl


import { html, Router, CacheFirst } from 'swtl';
import { BreadCrumbs } from './BreadCrumbs.js'

function HtmlPage({children, title}) {
  return html`<html><head><title>${title}</title></head><body>${children}</body></html>`;

function Footer() {
  return html`<footer>Copyright</footer>`;

const router = new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      response: ({url, params, query, request}) => html`
        <${HtmlPage} title="Home">
            <${BreadCrumbs} path=${request.url.pathname}/>
            ${['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].map(i => html`<li>${i}</li>`)}
          <${CacheFirst} file="./some-file.html"/>

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
  if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {


Uses URLPattern internally for matching the paths. The response callback gets passed the native Request object, as well as any route params or query params.

import { html, Router } from 'swtl';

const router = new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      response: () => html`<h1>Home</h1>`
      path: '/:foo',
      response: ({params}) => html`<h1>${}</h1>`
      path: '/:foo/:bar',
      response: ({params}) => html`<h1>${}/${}</h1>`
      path: '/:foo/:bar',
      response: ({url, params, query, request}) => html`<h1>${}/${}</h1>`

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
  if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {


You can also specify a baseHref, for example if your app is served under a specific base route, like

const router = new Router({
  baseHref: '/foo/bar/',
  routes: [
      // The url will be:
      path: '',
      response: () => html`<${Home}/>`
      // The url will be:
      path: 'users/:id',
      response: ({params}) => html`<${User} id=${}/>`

Note that you also have the set the base tag in your HTML:

<base href="/foo/bar/">


You can also provide a fallback in case no routes are matched. If you don't provide a fallback, the request will not be handled by the service worker, and go through to the network.

const router = new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      response: () => html`<${Home}/>`
  fallback: ({query, request}) => html`<${NotFound}/>`


You can also provide plugins. You can add global plugins that will run for every route, or add plugins for specific routes only. If you return a Response from a plugin, the router will return that response to the browser instead of your response function.

import { Router, html, HtmlResponse } from 'swtl';

const logger = {
  name: 'logger-plugin',
  beforeResponse({request}) {
    console.log(`Request made to ${request.url}`);

const router = new Router({
   * These plugins run for all routes
  plugins: [logger],
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      response: () => html`<${Home}/>`,
       * These plugins run for this route only
      plugins: [
          name: 'my-plugin',
          async beforeResponse({url, query, params, request}) {
            console.log('Running [my-plugin]!');

             * Based on conditions we can return a different response
            if ( === 'bar') {
              return new Response('bar');

            if ( === 'foo') {
               * Returns a `Response` with a stream of the html template as body for convenience
              return new HtmlResponse(html`<${Bar}/>`);

             * We can also use plugins for redirects
            if (params.user === 'frank') {
              return Response.redirect('/foo');


You can also provide options, the options will be passed to the Response that handleRequest returns:

const router = new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/foo',
      response: () => html`foo`,
      options: {
        headers: {
          'content-type': 'text/xml'


Basic usage

 * Children
function Heading({children}) {
  return html`<h1>${children}</h1>`;

html`<${Heading}>Hello world<//>`

 * Self-closing
function Heading() {
  return html`<h1>Hello world</h1>`;


 * Properties and spread
function MyComponent({foo, title, baz, qux, bool}) {
  return html`
    <div>${baz} ${qux}</div>

const object = {
  baz: 'hello',
  qux: 'world',

html`<${MyComponent} title="hello" foo=${1} ...${object} bool/>`;

 * Note that quotes are optional when using expressions, the following is also fine:
 * foo="${1}"


In addition to children, SWTL also supports slots, for when you need a little more flexibility for composition. You can use slots like so:

import { Slot } from 'swtl';

function Parent({slots}) {
  return html`

  <${Slot} name="bar">Bar<//>
  <${Slot} name="baz">Baz<//>

// Output:
// <h1>Foo</h1>
// <h2>Bar</h2>
// <h3>Baz</h3>


You can also use iterables or Responses in your templates directly

const stream = new ReadableStream({
  start(controller) {
    ['a', 'b', 'c'].forEach(s => controller.enqueue(s));

function* gen() {
  yield '<li>1</li>';
  yield '<li>2</li>';
  yield '<li>3</li>';

const template = html`
    ${new Response('hello')}


We also ship some built-in components to declaratively let you request files.

import { NetworkFirst, NetworkOnly, CacheFirst, CacheOnly, html } from 'swtl';

const template = html`
  <h1>Hello world</h1>
  <${NetworkFirst} file="./some-file.html"/>
  <${NetworkOnly} file="./some-file.html"/>
  <${CacheFirst} file="./some-file.html"/>
  <${CacheOnly} file="./some-file.html"/>


You can also provide a fallback:

const template = html`
  <${NetworkFirst} file="./some-file.html">
    <div>Failed to fetch, and not in cache</div>

  <${NetworkOnly} file="./some-file.html">
    <div>Failed to fetch</div>

  <${CacheFirst} file="./some-file.html">
    <div>Not in cache, and failed to fetch</div>

  <${CacheOnly} file="./some-file.html">
    <div>Not in cache</div>

If you're using SWTL in a more SPA-like PWA app, you can also use the following strategies:

import { networkFirst, networkOnly, cacheFirst, cacheOnly, staleWhileRevalidate } from 'swtl';

import { Router } from 'swtl';

const router = new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/images/*.svg',
      response: cacheFirst

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {

Out of order streaming

For out of order streaming you can use the built-in Await component and provide a promise property:

import { Await, when } from 'swtl';

  <${Await} promise=${() => fetch('/api/foo').then(r => r.json())}>
    ${(status, data, error) => html`
      <h1>Fetching data</h1>
      ${when(status.pending, () => html`<p>Loading...</p>`)}
      ${when(status.error, () => html`<p>Failed to fetch data</p>`)}
      ${when(status.success, () => html`
          ${ => html`<li>${i}</li>`)}


The Router streams responses to the browser via the render function internally in handleRequest:

import { render } from 'swtl';

for await (const chunk of render(html`<h1>${1}</h1>`)) {

But we also export a renderToString:

import { renderToString } from 'swtl';

const result = await renderToString(html`<h1>${1}</h1>`);


Swtl also supports SSR (Server Side Rendering) or SWSR (Service Worker Side Rendering) of custom elements via a pluggable custom element renderer system. Here's an example:

import { litRenderer } from '@swtl/lit';

const router = new Router({
  customElementRenderers = [litRenderer]
  // etc

Note that customElementRenderers are order-sensitive; customElementRenderers will do a match check to see if the current renderer should or should not render the given custom element. If this match check returns false, it will defer to the next renderer (if any) or to the default renderer, which just outputs the custom element as-is, and essentially doesn't SSR/SWSR it. You don't have to provide the default renderer manually; it gets added for you.

You can then use (in this case) LitElements in your SWTL template, e.g.:

html`<my-lit-el .foo=${{a: 'b'}} bar="2"></my-lit-el>`

And the LitElement will get rendered via @lit-labs/ssr with Declarative Shadow Dom. If you want to hydrate your component, you'll have to explicitly load the client-side code for your component:

  <my-lit-el .foo=${{a: 'b'}} bar="2"></my-lit-el>
  <script type="module" src="./my-lit-el.js"/>

Creating Custom Element Renderers

You can also create custom custom element renderers (no, that's not a typo). The way this works is as follows:

Swtl's html tag will parse the template for SWTL Components, but also for custom elements. Given the following template:

html`<my-el foo=1 disabled>foo</my-el>`

Internally, the following object will be created:

  tag: 'my-el',
  children: ['foo'],
  attributes: [
      name: 'foo',
      value: '1'
      name: 'disabled',
      value: true

Custom element renderers get passed this custom element object. A custom element renderer is an object with two methods on it: match and render. Here's an example:

async function* render({tag, children, attributes}, renderChildren) {
  yield `<${tag}>`;
  yield `<template shadowroot="open" shadowrootmode="open">`;
  yield `render shadow DOM`
  yield `</template>`;
  yield* renderChildren(children);
  yield `</${tag}>`;

export const fooRenderer = {
  name: 'foo',
   * Return a boolean to indicate if your custom renderer 
   * should render this custom element or not
  match({tag, children, attributes}) {
    const ctor = customElements.get(tag);
    return ctor.isFooElement;

The match function indicates whether or not this renderer should render the custom element it gets passed. If this returns true, the render function will be called for this custom element. If false, it will defer to the defaultRenderer, which just outputs the custom element as it was authored and does not SSR/SWSR it.

The render function should be a generator function that yields your SSR/SWSR'd custom element.


Inspired by libraries like preact/htm and lit-html.

And Astro for doing the hard work of implementing the rendering logic back when I requested this to be supported in Astro.
