A directory of companies with their stance and/or offering of gender-neutral options both for titles and gender fields
I am accepting pull requests for anyone else's experiences, or drop an email to please@dontgender.me with what you've found and I'll credit you however you wish (if you wish at all).
I am working on an updated version of this site, the first step of which is to migrate all the information here into a database, and then get something that can generate pages based on that database. I expect the database itself and the code to generate the pages will go into a separate branch, with the generated pages being here on the gh-pages. That's my thinking at least. Anyway, I quit my job to work on things like this, 'cos let's be honest here, this site's been pretty neglected lately and that's largely due to lack of energy from working full time. So, I'm dedicating some of my time to getting this site more regularly updated and also easier to maintain. If that sounds good, maybe send over a few quid to keep me motivated, but no pressure, this site will always be CC BY licensed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.