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Classes used: ScoreTable, Rack, AnagramDictionary, WordFinder

The class contains two static methods, a public "getWordValue" and a private "point". The class also
uses an array data structure (this contains the point value associated with each letter)
The array is private static and final. Private as the data structure is only
accessed through the "point" function and final since point value does not change.
getWordValue loops through each character in the word and returns the total point value of the word
runtime for "getWordValue" is O(n)."point" returns the point value of each character.
Each point value of each character a-z is stored in the array[26] with 0 corresponding to 'a' and 25 to 'z'.
With the numeral codes of letters being sequential ('b' - 'a' = 1, 'c' - 'a' = 2) the array is accessed using this.
With arrays being random access (O(1)). The point function runs in O(1)

This class contains two static methods "getSubsets" and "allSubsets". "getSubSets" uses two data structures - a map and
and array. The map holds each character as its key and the number of occurrences of the character as its value.
getSubsets loops through the string and adds each letter to the map and increments the count of each letter as necessary
The array is then created to match the size of the keySet of the map. The array holds the values(count) of each of the
keySet. The runtime of getSubsets is O(n^2) + the time taken by the recursive call to allSubsets

This has two methods - the constructor and getAnagramsOf methods. It also has a private Map variable.
This uses a hashMap with a string of keys and an arraylist to hold all multiset of letters that match with the key.
The key is a string of letters which has been arranged alphabetically. Any word that matches this form when sorted
alphabetically is added to the arraylist(value). The runtime of the constructor is O(n) where n is the number of words
in the file.
getAnagrams converts the string to a charArray and then sorts the string into the alphabetically order. Creates a
new string from the sorted word and uses that to access the map data structure. The runtime for this function is O(n)
(minus the time to sort the string) which comes from converting the string to charArray.

The contains the main method and handles input/output with the user. It has 3 helper static method -
createScoreWordMap, getTotalWordCount and print. The main method also calls the other classes such as rack, scoretable
and anagramDictionary. It receives the optional filename from the user console which is used to create the
anagramDictionary if available else the default is used. It then requests the user to input the current rack. It calls
the rack allsubset method to get all the available multiset of the rack. Wordfinder then calls createWordMap which takes
in a rack and a dictionary and returns a treeMap sorted in reverse order containing all words with length >= 2 and their
score value. getTotalWordCount takes in the created map and gets the total number of words in the map. print prints out
all the words and the score value in the required format.
The runtime for createWordMap is O(n^2), getTotalWordCount is O(n), print is O(n^2)


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