Authors: Alice Yu and Hyejung Won
Created: 7/11/2021
Updated: 7/20/2021
Each folder contains Stratified LD Score Regression (S-LDSC) annotation file for each transcriptomic feature.
Each folder contains two subdirectories:
- Hi-C: annotation file generated based on Hi-C evidence
- QTL: annotation file generated based on QTL evidence
- Reference: Ruzicka, W.B. et al.(2020) medRxiv doi:
- Reference: Gandal, M.J. et al.(2018) PMID: 30545856
- Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) or differentially expressed transcriptions (DETs) with FDR < 0.05 were stratified into up- and downregulated genes based on log2 fold change (logFC)
- PsychENCODE Consortium (PEC): Gandal, M.J. et al.(2018) PMID: 30545856
- CommonMind consortium (CMC): Fromer, M. et al.(2016) PMID: 27668389
- Reference: Gandal, M.J. et al.(2018) PMID: 30545856
- kME (PEC): Gandal, M.J. et al.(2018) PMID: 30545856
- kTotal (CMC): Fromer, M. et al.(2016) PMID: 27668389
- Genes classified into 10 groups based on centrality/connectivity values
- Reference: Wang, D. et al.(2018) PMID: 30545857
- Script runs Fisher's Exact Test with protein-coding DEGs and target genes of schizophrenia-associated transcription factors (TFs)
- Schizophrenia-associated TFs were defined using TFs of high-confidence schizophrenia risk genes from PEC
- Contains heritability enrichment and significance of each transcriptomic feature
- Cols
- Prop._SNPs: Proportion of SNPs
- Prop._h2: Proportion of heritability
- Prop._h2_std_error: Standard Error of heritability
- Enrichment: Heritability Enrichment
- Enrichment_std_error: Standard Error of Heritability Enrichment
- Enrichment_p: P-value of enrichment
- Hi-C, eQTL, and isoQTL: Wang, D. et al.(2018) PMID: 30545857
- Used data generated from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
Please cite this paper: Yu, A.W.; Peery, J.D.; Won, H. Limited Association between Schizophrenia Genetic Risk Factors and Transcriptomic Features. Genes 2021, 12, 1062.
SCZ GWAS: Pardinas, A.F. et al.(2018) PMID: 29483656
S-LDSC (v1.0.1): Finucane, H.K. et al.(2015) PMID: 26414678
- Baseline model (v1.1.0) was used to assess heritability enrichment
H-MAGMA input file: Sey, N.Y.A. et al.(2020) PMID: 32152537
- Used to identify SNPs mapped to each gene