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Scan defined ip's for open ports


Look at ./example-status.htm file. It is an example of the result...


Usage of portscanner:
  -in string
        REQUIRED: Path to the file with hosts (One line = one host)
  -out string
        Define the file path where output have to be stored.
  -ports string
        Custom port definition (Example: "22,80,443,9100-9200,5432") (default "1-1200,1900,2049,2379-2380,2483,2484,3306,3389,4646,5000-5005,5060,5432,6379,6443,6881,6999,8080,8300,8500,9200,9300,9100,10250,10257,10259,30000-32767")
  -prom string
        Save prometheus metric from port scanning to the given file
  -tags string
        Add custom tags (Example: env:prod,filename:source/file.txt)
  -template string
        Name of the output template (build in are: json, prometheus, html). (default "html")
  -template-file string
        Path to the custom template file.


Generate report as a html page

You can send this html page via email, put it to the cloudflare, ...

portscanner -quick -in servers.txt > /var/www/nginx/status/openports-$(date +%F).html

Generate json output

portscanner -quick -in servers.txt -template json  > data.json

Than you can sent it via curl to any api endpoint or object storage.

Generate prometheus output

portscanner -quick -in servers.txt -template prometheus  > textfile_portscanner.prom

Own template

Simply add your template by parametr -template-file. And provide your template name as a parametr ;-)

portscanner -quick -in servers.txt -template template.json -template-file .my_templates/template.json