Web crawler for Liferay portal written in javascript with CasperJS.
- Download and install CasperJS
- Build and run Liferay Portal
- Run the spider with the following command:
- $ casperjs main.js
The results will be displayed in the console, a folder "screenshots" and a file with name "url_list.json" will be created.
screenshots folder contains the screenshots captured.
--log-level: set the logging level
--verbose: prints debugging message to console; used in combination with --log-level
--depth: set the depth limit for the crawler
For example,
$ casperjs --verbose --log-level=debug --depth=3 main.js
Use ANSICON to support escape sequence in Windows
Download ANSICON
Extract the files in x64 or x86 from the zip archive to C:\ansicon
- The folder should have the following files: ANSI32.dll, ANSI64.dll, ansicon.exe
Add C:\ansicon to PATH environment variable
Install ANSICON (didn't work!)
- Type ansicon -i in console
Wrap Git Bash with ANSICON
- Type the following command in Git Bash console or add it to .bash_profile
- $ ansicon.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i
- Type the following command in Git Bash console or add it to .bash_profile