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Greenhouse monitoring using ESP32.


  • Controls 24V water waterpump and starts it once a day to water the plants for a period of time
  • Device status is displayed on a small 0.91 inch OLED screen
  • Includes a manual mode button to enable/disable the water valve manually
  • Time is stored in a battery-powered DS3231 realtime clock


Target Sensor Location Amount
Light TSL2591 Inside 1
Soil moisture Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor v2.0 Inside 8
Temperature/pressure/humidity BME280 Inside 1
Air temperature DS18B20 Outside 1
Water temperature DS18B20 Outside 1

Readings from the sensors are sent to a MQTT server over WiFi (if available).


AZ-Delivery Devkit V4

Device Pin Label ESP32 Pin Type
TCA9548A I2C Expander SDA 4 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x70)
TCA9548A I2C Expander SCL 22 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x70)
DS3231 Realtime Clock SDA 4 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x68)
DS3231 Realtime Clock SCL 22 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x68)
AT24C32 EEPROM on DS3231 SDA 4 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x57)
AT24C32 EEPROM on DS3231 SCL 22 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x57)
PCF8574 Digital Expander SDA 4 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x20)
PCF8574 Digital Expander SCL 22 I2C bus 0 (address: 0x20)
MCP3008 Analog Expander CLK 18 SCK
MCP3008 Analog Expander DOUT 19 MISO
MCP3008 Analog Expander DIN 23 MOSI
MCP3008 Analog Expander CS 5 SS
DS18B20 Temperature Sensors GPIO 13 Digital Input
Buzzer GPIO 25 Digital Output
Single Channel Relay GPIO 26 Digital Output
Manual Run Button GPIO 39 Digital Input
Power Button GPIO 36 Digital Input


Device Pin Label TCA9548A Pin Address
TSL2591 light sensor SDA SD0 0x29
TSL2591 light sensor SCL SC0 0x29
BME280 barometer SDA SD1 0x76
BME280 barometer SCL SC1 0x76
0.91" OLED Display SDA SD2 0x3C
0.91" OLED Display SCL SC2 0x3C


Device Type PCF8574 Pin
Watering Indication LED (White) Digital Output 0
Manual Run LED (Yellow) Digital Output 2
Network LED (Blue) Digital Output 1
Power LED (Red) Digital Output 3


Device Type MCP3008 Pin
Capacitive Soil 1 Analog Input 0
Capacitive Soil 2 Analog Input 1
Capacitive Soil 3 Analog Input 2
Capacitive Soil 4 Analog Input 3
Capacitive Soil 5 Analog Input 4
Capacitive Soil 6 Analog Input 5
Capacitive Soil 7 Analog Input 6
Capacitive Soil 8 Analog Input 7

3D Printable Parts

Part Amount
Buck converter bottom 1
Buck converter top 1
Buck converter icon 1
Buck converter latch 2


Example of cycle report on serial line:

00:00:00.063  ========================
00:00:00.064  =    garduino v4.0.0   =
00:00:00.064  ========================
00:00:00.065  Board:       AZ-Delivery ESP-32 Dev Kit C V4
00:00:00.075  Arduino:     2.0.7
00:00:00.075  ESP-IDF:     v4.4.4
00:00:00.080  Local time:  17:46:17
00:00:00.485  *******************************************
00:00:00.486  Wakeup reason: timer (60 sec)
00:00:00.487  *******************************************
00:00:00.488  WiFi - SSID: my_ssid
00:00:00.499  WiFi - Connecting...
00:00:00.708  WiFi - Connected.
00:00:00.709  WiFi - Hostname: garduino
00:00:00.709  Wifi - IP address:
00:00:00.710  ================================
00:00:00.721  MQTT - Timeout set to 30 seconds
00:00:00.721  MQTT - Broker:
00:00:00.722  MQTT - Connecting...
00:00:00.775  MQTT - Connected.
00:00:00.776  ================================
00:00:00.777  ************************************
00:00:00.778        Watering: No
00:00:00.788          Period: 60 sec
00:00:00.789  Daily schedule: 19:00:00
00:00:00.789    Current time: 17:46:17
00:00:00.791        Last run: 2023-03-21 19:08:11
00:00:00.802  ************************************
00:00:00.803  MQTT - Publishing sensor data...
00:00:00.814  Inside
00:00:00.814  ------
00:00:00.815  Light:            350.67 lx
00:00:00.821  Humidity:         44.5%
00:00:00.822  Temperature:      25.14 °C
00:00:00.822  Pressure:         1002.44 hPa
00:00:00.840  Soil-1 wet:       0%
00:00:00.841  Soil-2 wet:       0%
00:00:00.851  Soil-3 wet:       0%
00:00:00.852  Soil-4 wet:       0%
00:00:00.852  Soil-5 wet:       0%
00:00:00.852  Soil-6 wet:       0%
00:00:00.853  Soil-7 wet:       98%
00:00:00.863  Soil-8 wet:       0%
00:00:00.854  System:           23.75 °C
00:00:00.854  Outside
00:00:00.855  -------
00:00:00.962  Temperature:      17.75 °C
00:00:00.967  Water
00:00:00.967  -----
00:00:00.968  Temperature:      18.25 °C
00:00:00.968  WIFI
00:00:00.969  ----
00:00:00.981  RSSI:             -63 dBm
00:00:00.981  **********************************************
00:00:16.558  MQTT - Published 16 messages.
00:00:16.559  MQTT - Disconnecting...
00:00:16.864  ******************************
00:00:16.865  **  Going to sleep... Bye.  **
00:00:16.866  ******************************

Local NTP Server

Setup a local NTP server instead of fetching this information online every time.

sudo apt-get install ntp

Verify installation:

sntp --version

Switch the server pool to the ones closest to your location. Go to and find the nearest pool, e.g. Europe. Update /etc/ntp.conf accordingly:


Restart the server:

sudo service ntp restart

Check the status:

 sudo service ntp status

You can now use this machine for NTP time synchronization on the ESP32.