Sprinkler timer using SequentMicrosystems stackable 8-relay board(s) on a Raspberry PI. This is a work in progress.
The relays are controlled by communicating with the onboard I2C device, using the "i2c" Linux kernel driver.
This code is/was reverse engineered by running the 8relay binary from SequentMicro with:
strace -e open,read,write,ioctl 8relay ...
Basic library usage:
r, err := i2clib.NewRelay(bus, board)
Open a channel to relay "board" on i2c "bus"
- The usual bus for a Raspberry PI is "1"
- The board, with no address jumper pins installed is "1"
Set the relays based on the bit mask i (0 - 0xff)
Get the currently activated relays (e.g. r.Set(i);r.Get() should emit "i")
Close the channel
Build "sample" programs:
go build cmd/basic/relay.go
Relay sets or reads the state of the relays on a daughter cardgo build cmd/sprinkler/sprinkler.go
Sprinkler activates a sequence of sprinkler zones in the provided sequence and timings, suitable for running via cron for unattended operation.